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  • A Cyclopædia of Sacred Poetical Quotations

A Cyclopædia of Sacred Poetical Quotations

by H. G. Adams

A Cyclopædia of Sacred Poetical Quotations PDF edition and other H. G. Adams books available for free download from our library.


The favour with which our former compilation—the “Cyclopædia of Poetical Quotations”—was received, and the numerous calls which we had for an extension of the plan of that work, induced us to determine on the issue of this companion volume, which, although exactly similar in size and price, and method of arrangement, yet possesses a decidedly distinctive feature in the sacred character of all the pieces included.

We have endeavoured to make it one of the most complete collections of Religious Poetry ever offered to the public; and cannot doubt that, as such, it will be acceptable to a very large class of readers. As the matter in this volume had to be arranged under a far less number of distinct headings than that of the work above named, there was space for the introduction of longer pieces, and thus many of the most beautiful specimens of devotional poetry, which are to be found in the literature of this and other nations, are given with little or no curtailment. 

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