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  • A Doll's House

A Doll's House

by Henrik Ibsen

A Doll's House PDF edition and other Henrik Ibsen books available for free download from our library.


A Doll's House written by Henrik Ibsen is one of the world’s most performed plays.  The play is plotted around three key characters and five other subliminal characters. 

Torvald Helmer, a newly promoted bank manager believes his wife is childish and worthless. Nora Helmer is married to Torvald Helmer and the couples have three children. Nils Krogstad is the employee of the bank and a scoundrel, who is having secret relationship with Nora’s widowed friend Krisitine Linde. 

Torvald fell sick seriously and need financial support for his recovery. To treat her husband’s illness, Nora borrows large sum of money secretly without the knowledge of her husband. After Torvald recovery from illness, he finds Nils Krogstad has cheated the bank with forging documents and in the verge of exposing his criminal activities to legal authorities. 

The story takes a twist and  Nora Helmer has borrowed money from him by forging the document.  Nils Krogstad exposes this and finally Torvald expels his wife for forgery , though when she pleaded it was done by her for his recovery only. Finally Nora leaves the family after thinking Torvald was not worth her love.

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