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  • A History of Sculpture

A History of Sculpture

by Ernest Henry Short

A History of Sculpture PDF edition and other Ernest Henry Short books available for free download from our library.


Much that might properly occur in the preface of this book will be found in its opening chapter. I there set out the ground to be covered, and define the point of view from which I have treated my facts. These few remarks will, accordingly, be addressed to any who may think that a work bearing the title “A History of Sculpture” requires a word of introduction.

My justification for the title and, indeed, for the work as a whole, is that I have not attempted to write a new text-book. In my view, all great art is essentially national art. It can therefore only be understood in the light of national and international history. For this reason, I have given much more attention to the artistic interpretation of historical events and social circumstances than most, historians of the arts have deemed necessary. Throughout I have written from the standpoint of one who believes that the great schools of sculpture were created, not, by individuals of genius, but by the peoples to whom they appealed. A work written on these lines can fairly claim to be “A History of Sculpture.”

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