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  • A Little Book of Filipino Riddles

A Little Book of Filipino Riddles

by Frederick Starr

A Little Book of Filipino Riddles PDF edition and other Frederick Starr books available for free download from our library.


A Little Book of Filipino Riddles is a compilation of riddles from Philippines collected by Frederick Starr, an American anthropologist who has travelled many continents. His notable literary works include Catalogue of Collections of Objects Illustrating Mexican Folklore, Indians of South Mexico, The Truth about the Congo, and Japanese Proverbs and Pictures.

Frederick describes lot of information about riddles, including quotes from popular writers like Friedreich’s saying: The riddle is an indirect presentation of an unknown object, in order that the ingenuity of the hearer or reader may be exercised in finding it out; Wolf definition; The riddle is a play of wit, which endeavors to so present an object, by stating its characteristic features and peculiarities, as to adequately call it before the mind, without, however, actually naming it.

Also the author classifies the riddle into seven types such as The Question Riddle, The Simple Word Riddle, The Syllable Riddle, The Letter Riddle, Punctuation Riddles, The Rebus, Complex Riddles, and Number Riddles. The book contains riddles which were originated in Filipino language and translated in English. This riddles are categorized into more than 25 groups based on animals, Bell, Body-parts, Cardinal points, Furniture, Fishes, Relationships, and Word plays etc.

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