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  • A Princess of Mars

A Princess of Mars

by Edgar Rice Burroughs

A Princess of Mars PDF edition and other Edgar Rice Burroughs books available for free download from our library.


A Princess of Mars written by Edgar Rice Burroughs is a science fiction fantasy novel and its publication triggered many things including new genres like Planetary Romance and Pulp Fiction also Barsoom series of books which had inspired many 20th century fiction writers including Jack Vance, Ray Bradbury, Arthur C. Clarke, Robert A. Heinlein, and John Norman.

An American Civil War veteran John Carter while prospecting Arizona evades in a sacred cave and mysteriously transported end up landing in Mars. The lesser gravity in Mars makes him a super human and with his martial powers he ears the respect of Green raced Martians called Tharks. Tharks captures Princes of Helium Dejah Thoris who controls the planet’s canals.

John rescues Dejah from Tharks and winning the heart of Dejah, becomes prince of Helium. After 9 years of living, in an ill fate day the air supply of the planet stops due to an Atmospheric plant, making the Martians unable to survive. While trying the recover the situation, John succumbs to asphyxiation and reaches Earth.

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