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  • A Shropshire Lad

A Shropshire Lad

by Alfred Edward Housman

A Shropshire Lad PDF edition and other Alfred Edward Housman books available for free download from our library.


A Shropshire Lad is cycle of sixty three poems written by English poet and scholar Alfred Edward Housman whose other poetical works include Last Poems, More Poems, Unkind to Unicorns: Selected Comic Verse, and Is My Team Ploughing. A Shropshire Lad reflected the disappointments of youths of English countryside and was successful in both Victorian and Edwardian Era. Set in a pessimistic theme, A Shropshire Lad influenced many English composers such as  Arthur Somervell. Housman did accept poems of Shakespeare influenced his work, however denied any influence from Greek literature.

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