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  • A Text-Book of the History of Painting

A Text-Book of the History of Painting

by John Charles Van Dyke

A Text-Book of the History of Painting PDF edition and other John Charles Van Dyke books available for free download from our library.


History of Painting is a historical exploration of the art written by John Charles Van Dyke, an American art historian, remembered for his guide books and historical accounts such as How to Judge a Picture, Art for Art's Sake, Nature for its Own Sake, Studies in Pictures, and The Mountain.

History of Painting is a historical account of the oldest art. The author had provided in-depth details of the art in various periods such as medieval period, Gothic period, Renaissance period, Early Renaissance, and Nineteenth Century.

A detailed study of how the painting art progressed in various cultures and countries such as Egyptian painting, Italian painting, Persian painting, Greek Paining, Roman painting, French painting, Spanish painting, Dutch painting, German painting, British painting and American painting are provided with illustrative images and portrait pictures.

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