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  • A Treatise on Mechanics

A Treatise on Mechanics

by Henry Kater

A Treatise on Mechanics PDF edition and other Henry Kater books available for free download from our library.


This Treatise on Mechanics, which was originally published in 1830, is the work of Dr. Lardner, with the exception of the twenty-first chapter, which was written by the late Captain Kater. The present edition has been revised and corrected by Dr. Lardner.

Placed in the material world, Man is continually exposed to the action of an infinite variety of objects by which he is surrounded. The body, to which the thinking and living principles have been united, is an apparatus exquisitely contrived to receive and to transmit impressions. Its various parts are organised with obvious reference to the several external agents by which it is to be effected. Each organ is designed to convey to the mind immediate notice of some peculiar action, and is accordingly endued with a corresponding susceptibility. 

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