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  • A Versailles Christmas-Tide

A Versailles Christmas-Tide

by Mary Stuart Boyd

A Versailles Christmas-Tide PDF edition and other Mary Stuart Boyd books available for free download from our library.


A Versailles Christmas-Tide is a novel written by Mary Stuart Boyd, whose other work include The Fortunate Isles: Life and Travel in Majorca, Minorca and Iviza.

A Christmas in an unusual circumstances is the core them behind the story. A boy who is in the beginning of his teens is studying in a boarding school at Versailles, Paris. While their parents were eagerly awaiting his arrival for Christmas, a message was received from the school that he cannot come to home as he is fallen sick of Scarlet fever which has widely spread in the school premises.

Panicked parents start their journey towards Paris to see their son. The journey towards Versailles was not a nice one as they hurdle through rocky seas and rickety train tracks. They finally reach Versailles and reach the school to bring their son. However the school administrators not allowing them to send the boy, however they can visit the school to see him. Not knowing what to do, they stay in a hotel nearby the school campus to see their son every day. As the days passes, they are accustomed with the French surrounding. The Christmas is celebrated in their new surrounding but without their son, though he is very near to them.

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