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  • A Watch-dog of the North Sea

A Watch-dog of the North Sea

by Percy F. Westerman

A Watch-dog of the North Sea PDF edition and other Percy F. Westerman books available for free download from our library.


A Watch-dog of the North Sea is a naval story of the great war written by Percy F. Westerman who has also written other novels like "A SUB. OF THE R.N.R." "THE DREADNOUGHT OF THE AIR".

Excerpts from the book:

A bugle-call rang out shrill and clear in the wintry air.

"Thank goodness—at last," murmured Eric Greenwood. "That's an end to 'Action Stations' for the time being. Let me see. Tomorrow coal ship, next day make up the money. Payment on Friday, and ten to one there'll be half a gale of wind—and paper money is a strafed nuisance."

Thus musing, Assistant Paymaster Greenwood, R.N.R., completed his preparations for vacating the fore-top of H.M.S. "Pompey," where he had been acting as assistant to the lieutenant in charge of the fire-control arrangements.

The fore-top, a caged-in structure measuring roughly eight feet by eight, was situated ninety feet above the upper deck. In long-range actions it took the place of the conning-tower as "the brains of the ship," for in that limited aerial perch seven officers and men, all working with a common set purpose, were able to direct salvoes of death-dealing missiles with uncanny accuracy to a target invisible to the guns' crews at their stations behind six inches of Krupp steel. 

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