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  • A poem on the earthquake at Lisbon

A poem on the earthquake at Lisbon

by Anonymous

A poem on the earthquake at Lisbon PDF edition and other Anonymous books available for free download from our library.


CALM was the Sky, the Sun serenely bright,

Shot o’er the Sea long dazzling Streams of Light.

Thro’ Orange Groves soft breathing Breezes play’d,

And gather’d Sweets like Bees where e’er they stray’d.

In fair Relievo stood the lofty Town,

Set off by radiant Lights and Shadows brown;

While ev’ry Dome, each Cupola and Spire,

Shone doubly gilt by the Sun’s lambent Fire.

And where beneath, the Silver Tagus flow’d,

In many a stately Row tall Vessels rode;

So smooth it flow’d that all the various View,

Reflected there, was downward seen anew,

And as it softly stole along the Plain,

Carry’d a floating Landskip to the Main.

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