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The Continent of the Future -  Africa and Its Wonderful Development

The Continent of the Future - Africa and Its Wonderful Development

by William Coppinger

The tide of modern civilization and religious development is sweeping round the globe. With the rapid advance of India, the unparalleled strides of Japan, and the steady progress of China to the new era, Africa is about to reveal its long-kept secrets and its possibilities of contributing to the elevation of its inhabitants and the welfare of the w..

The Interpretation of Dreams

The Interpretation of Dreams

by Sigmund Freud

In attempting a discussion of the Interpretation of Dreams, I do not believe that I have overstepped the bounds of neuropathological interest. For, on psychological investigation, the dream proves to be the first link in a chain of abnormal psychic structures whose other links, the hysterical phobia, the obsession, and the delusion must, for practi..

Florida trails

Florida trails

by Winthrop Packard

The principal street of the town runs east and west from the boat landing to the railroad station. It is laid out so wide that the wagon tracks rather get lost in it and wander uncertainly from side to side, so wide that it takes three rows of stately, moss-bearded oaks to shade it, two between the broad sidewalks and the street, a third down the m..

The Great Harry Thaw Case

The Great Harry Thaw Case

by Benjamin H. Atwell

A great trial has come to a close. It has attracted the attention of the entire civilized world for three widely separated and distinctly defined reasons—the unusual degree of heart interest underlying the tragedy that brought it about; the startling and sensational disclosures of life in the great metropolis, and the legal precedents established, ..

The Story of Milk

The Story of Milk

by Johan Ditlev Frederiksen

The conception of this “Story of Milk” dates many years back. In his life-long study of problems connected with dairy farming and milk industries in two of the world’s greatest dairy countries, Denmark and the United States, the author has felt the need of a concise handbook covering this interesting subject. In his forty years of work in the manuf..

Wood Wanderings

Wood Wanderings

by Winthrop Packard

TO-DAY the September west winds have begun the fall house-cleaning by sweeping the tops of the pine woods. All the morning the little brown scales which nestle close to the base of each pine leaf as it grows, protecting it from the withering force of the midsummer sun, have been soaring and spinning in high glee, curiously lighting up with brown gl..

Doily Bouquet

Doily Bouquet

by American Thread Company

Here is the very newest, the very smartest scheme for delightful table settings. A set of doilies with identical centers in different gay flower borders that will add a decorator’s touch to your luncheon table. We have designed the above four doilies with just that idea in mind. All four designs fit either of the two basic centers...

Illustrations of the Birds of California, Texas, Oregon, British and Russian America

Illustrations of the Birds of California, Texas, Oregon, British and Russian America

by John Cassin

The natural history of North America has been regarded with especial interest wherever the sciences have been cultivated since the discovery of the continent. There never has been a period, however, in which such extensive and productive research has been carried on, as in that which commenced with the annexation of Texas to the United States, and ..