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Impromptu -  How to Think on Your Feet

Impromptu - How to Think on Your Feet

by Grenville Kleiser

The game of "Impromptu" is the outgrowth of an exercise devised by the author and used by him in The Public Speaking Club of America.A number of cards, each bearing a separate subject, are placed in a hat. Then a member of the club stands up, selects one of the cards, announces the subject named on the card, and proceeds to speak on that particular..

The Collected Works of William Hazlitt, Vol. 06 (of 12)

The Collected Works of William Hazlitt, Vol. 06 (of 12)

by William Hazlitt

The first edition was published in two 8vo volumes, the first volume in 1821 with the following title-page: ‘Table-Talk; or, Original Essays. By William Hazlitt. London: John Warren, Old Bond-Street 1821’; the second volume in 1822 with the following title-page: ‘Table-Talk; or, Original Essays. By William Hazlitt. Vol. II. London: Printed for Henr..

Three Visitors to Early Plymouth

Three Visitors to Early Plymouth

by John Pory

We all know what the Pilgrim Fathers wrote about themselves and their settlements on the (not so) “stern and rockbound coast”; but how many people know that they were visited thrice, between 1622 and 1627, by outsiders who left on record candid accounts of what they saw? That is the reason for this book. These three accounts—one by a gentleman from..

Religio Journalistici

Religio Journalistici

by Christopher Morley

 I WAS coming home from Buffalo in a train delightfully called “The Black Diamond.” I had any number of books in my bag, but my lower instincts were uppermost: I was tired, and pined for the narcosis of newspapers. I asked the porter, also a black diamond, to see if there were any lying around. He brought me a great mass of them: Chicago paper..

The Wizard of Wall Street and His Wealth

The Wizard of Wall Street and His Wealth

by Trumbull White

The history of any man who had been able to distinguish himself by acquiring in his lifetime the greatest amount of wealth ever accumulated by one man, would necessarily be of interest, even if his success had been won by the most ordinary of methods or the most marvelous succession of good fortune. But when that man is one whose career was full of..

The Neptunian, or Water Theory of Creation

The Neptunian, or Water Theory of Creation

by J. M. Woodman

The question as to what kind of reading shall yield us the most exquisite enjoyment, largely depends upon our ability for self-development. Taste in reading, as in eating, is often an educated faculty. The relish that we now have for many kinds of food, we had to acquire. We all have faculties for intellectual, moral and spiritual enjoyment, in lin..

The Origin of Metallic Currency and Weight Standards

The Origin of Metallic Currency and Weight Standards

by William Ridgeway

The following pages are an attempt to arrive at a knowledge of the origin of Metallic Currency and Weight Standards by the Comparative Method. As both these institutions played a not inconsiderable part in the development of civilization, it seemed worth while to approach the subject from a different point of view from that from which it had been p..

The Seven Lamps of Advocacy

The Seven Lamps of Advocacy

by Edward Abbott Parry

The great advocate is like the great actor: he fills the stage for his span of life, succeeds, gains our applause, makes his last bow, and the curtain falls. Nothing is so elusive as the art of acting, unless indeed it be the sister art of advocacy. You cannot say that the methods of Garrick, Kean or Irving, Erskine, Hawkins or Russell, were the ri..