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Young Engineer's Guide

Young Engineer's Guide

by J. V. Rohan

Some two years ago the author commenced collecting memoranda of mechanical and practical information pertaining to the care and operation of steam engines and boilers, with a view of forming a systematic digest.Being an employee of the J. I. Case Threshing Machine Co. for a number of years my attention was called to the constant inquiry for a book ..

Modern Greek Folklore and Ancient Greek Religion -  A Study in Survivals

Modern Greek Folklore and Ancient Greek Religion - A Study in Survivals

by John Cuthbert Lawson

This book is the outcome of work undertaken in Greece during my two years’ tenure of the Craven Studentship from 1898 to 1900. It is therefore my first duty gratefully to commemorate John, Lord Craven, to whose benefactions of two and a half centuries ago I owed my opportunity for research.The scheme of work originally proposed was the investigatio..

History of the Water Supply of the World

History of the Water Supply of the World

by Bryce Walton

The original intention of this work was to arrange a treatise, in the form of a compilation, of general and local information on water supply, in all its bearings, with special reference to Cincinnati, in view of the fact that the question of a new supply would become an important one when the “Markley Farm Project” presented a more tangible form. ..

Impromptu -  How to Think on Your Feet

Impromptu - How to Think on Your Feet

by Grenville Kleiser

The game of "Impromptu" is the outgrowth of an exercise devised by the author and used by him in The Public Speaking Club of America.A number of cards, each bearing a separate subject, are placed in a hat. Then a member of the club stands up, selects one of the cards, announces the subject named on the card, and proceeds to speak on that particular..

The Collected Works of William Hazlitt, Vol. 06 (of 12)

The Collected Works of William Hazlitt, Vol. 06 (of 12)

by William Hazlitt

The first edition was published in two 8vo volumes, the first volume in 1821 with the following title-page: ‘Table-Talk; or, Original Essays. By William Hazlitt. London: John Warren, Old Bond-Street 1821’; the second volume in 1822 with the following title-page: ‘Table-Talk; or, Original Essays. By William Hazlitt. Vol. II. London: Printed for Henr..

Three Visitors to Early Plymouth

Three Visitors to Early Plymouth

by John Pory

We all know what the Pilgrim Fathers wrote about themselves and their settlements on the (not so) “stern and rockbound coast”; but how many people know that they were visited thrice, between 1622 and 1627, by outsiders who left on record candid accounts of what they saw? That is the reason for this book. These three accounts—one by a gentleman from..

Religio Journalistici

Religio Journalistici

by Christopher Morley

 I WAS coming home from Buffalo in a train delightfully called “The Black Diamond.” I had any number of books in my bag, but my lower instincts were uppermost: I was tired, and pined for the narcosis of newspapers. I asked the porter, also a black diamond, to see if there were any lying around. He brought me a great mass of them: Chicago paper..

The Wizard of Wall Street and His Wealth

The Wizard of Wall Street and His Wealth

by Trumbull White

The history of any man who had been able to distinguish himself by acquiring in his lifetime the greatest amount of wealth ever accumulated by one man, would necessarily be of interest, even if his success had been won by the most ordinary of methods or the most marvelous succession of good fortune. But when that man is one whose career was full of..