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The Whole Truth and Nothing But

The Whole Truth and Nothing But

by Hedda Hopper

I knew Elizabeth Taylor was about to dump Eddie Fisher in favor of Richard Burton soon after Cleopatra started filming in Rome. Because in forty years in Hollywood I’ve told the truth—though sometimes only in part for the sake of shielding someone or other—I wrote the story. This was in February 1962, one week before the news burst like a bomb on t..

Historical record of the Thirteenth, First Somerset

Historical record of the Thirteenth, First Somerset

by Richard Cannon

The character and credit of the British Army must chiefly depend upon the zeal and ardour by which all who enter into its service are animated, and consequently it is of the highest importance that any measure calculated to excite the spirit of emulation, by which alone great and gallant actions are achieved, should be adopted.Nothing can more full..

Personal Experiences During the Chicago Fire, 1871

Personal Experiences During the Chicago Fire, 1871

by Frank J. Loesch

On October 8th, 9th and 10th, 1871, a fire swept out of existence the entire business district of the City of Chicago, located mainly on the South Side, virtually the entire residence and business districts of the North Side, blocks of many handsome and comfortable residences on the South Side and a goodly number of homes and business buildings on ..

The Minor Horrors of War

The Minor Horrors of War


The contents of this little book hardly justify its title. There are whole ranges of ‘Minor Horrors of War’ left untouched in the following chapters. The minor poets, the pamphlets of the professors, the people who write to the papers about ‘Kultur’ and think that this is the German for Matthew Arnold’s over-worked word ‘Culture,’ the half-hysteric..

Blackie's Books for Young People, Catalogue - 1899

Blackie's Books for Young People, Catalogue - 1899

by Blackie & Son

With Frederick the Great: A Tale of the Seven Years’ War. By G. A. Henty. With 12 page Illustrations by Wal Paget, and Maps. 6s.“The story is one of Mr. Henty’s best, and so cleverly is history interwoven with fiction that the boy who reads it will know as much about the Seven Years’ War as many an adult student of Carlyle’s masterpiece.”—Standard...

Modern dancing and dancers

Modern dancing and dancers

by J. E. Crawford Flitch

It is not unlikely that when the art historian of the future comes to treat of the artistic activity of the first decade of the twentieth century, he will remark as one of its most notable accomplishments a renaissance of the art of the Dance.That this renaissance is an accomplished fact, is a matter of common knowledge. Within a relatively short p..

Historical Record of the Thirty-fourth, or the Cumberland Regiment of Foot

Historical Record of the Thirty-fourth, or the Cumberland Regiment of Foot

by Richard Cannon

The character and credit of the British Army must chiefly depend upon the zeal and ardour by which all who enter into its service are animated, and consequently it is of the highest importance that any measure calculated to excite the spirit of emulation, by which alone great and gallant actions are achieved, should be adopted.Nothing can more full..

The Dog's Medical Dictionary

The Dog's Medical Dictionary

by Alfred Joseph Sewell

The best way to administer chloroform is by one of Krohne & Sesemann’s inhalers. When this is used, it is almost impossible to have any bad results, as the chloroform is given so slowly. Failing one of these appliances, it may be given on a napkin folded so as to make a pouch in which the nose should be put; but it is necessary to muzzle the do..