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Elementary Course in Woodwork

Elementary Course in Woodwork

by George Alexander Ross

The character and object of this book is set forth on its title page. It is a manual designed principally for the practical assistance of students in elementary woodwork in the Lewis Institute.The author has endeavored to present the subject in such a manner as to make simple the transition from the easier to the more difficult operations; the exer..

The Game of Go -  The National Game of Japan

The Game of Go - The National Game of Japan

by Arthur Smith

This book is intended as a practical guide to the game of Go. It is especially designed to assist students of the game who have acquired a smattering of it in some way and who wish to investigate it further at their leisure.The game of Go belongs to the class of games of which our Chess, though very dissimilar, is an example. It is played on a boar..

Illustrations of the Croton Aqueduct

Illustrations of the Croton Aqueduct

by F. B. Tower

The views which I have given of the important points on the line of the Croton Aqueduct, are from sketches taken for my own satisfaction; but the interest so generally taken in the work, has suggested to me the propriety of presenting them to the public in this form. Having been engaged in the Engineer Department during the whole of the constructio..

The Origin and Ideals of the Modern School

The Origin and Ideals of the Modern School

by Francisco Ferrer

Francisco Ferrer y Guardia was shot in the trenches of the Montjuich Fortress at Barcelona. A Military Council had found him guilty of being “head of the insurrection” which had, a few months before, lit the flame of civil war in the city and province. The clergy had openly petitioned the Spanish Premier, when Ferrer was arrested, to look to the Mo..

The World of Flying Saucers

The World of Flying Saucers

by Donald H. Menzel

Both as scientists and as devotees of science fiction, we have long been interested in space travel. When reports of unidentified flying objects began to increase in the years between 1947 and 1952, one of us (D.H.M.) collected and studied the limited information available about the sightings. He soon concluded (with a slight feeling of disappointm..

The Life of the Grasshopper

The Life of the Grasshopper

by Jean-Henri Fabre

Fame is built up mainly of legend; in the animal world, as in the world of men, the story takes precedence of history. Insects in particular, whether they attract our attention in this way or in that, have their fair share in a folk-lore which pays but little regard to truth.For instance, who does not know the Cicada, at least by name? Where, in th..

Australasia Triumphant!

Australasia Triumphant!

by A. St. John Adcock

It is too soon to attempt the telling at large and in detail of all that has been done by Australia and New Zealand in the Great War. There is much that has, for military reasons, not yet been revealed; and what has been told has come to us from various sources in more or less fragmentary fashion, so that one must read several accounts of the same ..

Butterflies and Moths, Shown to the Children

Butterflies and Moths, Shown to the Children

by Theodore Wood

In this little book I want to tell you something about the common butterflies and moths which you may find in almost all parts of the country. But, first of all, I think that perhaps I had better say something about what we generally call their “life-history.”Of course you know that butterflies and moths are not butterflies and moths to begin with...