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The Red Man's Rebuke

The Red Man's Rebuke

by Simon Pokagon

My object in publishing the “Red Man’s Rebuke” on the bark of the white birch tree, is out of loyalty to my own people, and gratitude to the Great Spirit, who in his wisdom provided for our use for untold generations, this most remarkable tree with manifold bark used by us instead of paper, being of greater value to us as it could not be injured by..

Tolstoy's interpretation of money and property

Tolstoy's interpretation of money and property

by Milivoy Stoyan Stanoyevich

Assuming that our society may exist without positive laws it could also exist without money. The Russian reformer, Leo N. Tolstoy, is consistent with his doctrine of social reform. According to him enacted law is violence, private property is evil, and subsequently “money as a centre around which economic science clusters” cannot be anything else, ..

Child Life and Sex Hygiene -  A Remarkable Message

Child Life and Sex Hygiene - A Remarkable Message

by Otterbein O. Smith

Sending this little book out into the world is like sending out one of my children, for as they came from my heart, so has it. My heart has ached for my children as it has been necessary for them to go out and meet the buffetings of an unsympathetic world and so aches it for this little fledgling. But still I have a hope that the world will not be ..

The History of Philosophy in Islam

The History of Philosophy in Islam

by T. J. de Boer

The following is the first attempt which has been made, since the appearance of Munk’s excellent sketch, to present in connected form a History of Philosophy in Islam. This work of mine may therefore be regarded as a fresh initiation,—not a completion of such a task. I could not know of all that had been done by others, in the way of preliminary st..

The Collected Works of Ambrose Bierce, Volume 10

The Collected Works of Ambrose Bierce, Volume 10

by Ambrose Bierce

THOSE who read no books but new ones have this much to say for themselves in mitigation of censure: they do not read all the new ones. They can not; with the utmost diligence and devotion—never weary in ill doing—they can not hope to get through one in a hundred. This, I should suppose, must make them unhappy. They probably feel as a small boy of l..

The magic of jewels and charms

The magic of jewels and charms

by George Frederick Kunz

Jewels, gems, stones, superstitions and astrological lore are all so interwoven in history that to treat of either of them alone would mean to break the chain of association linking them one with the other. Beauty of color or lustre in a stone or some quaint form attracts the eye of the savage, and his choice of material for ornament or adornment i..

Early Carriages and Roads

Early Carriages and Roads

by Sir Walter Gilbey

The use of carriages, coaches and wheeled conveyances have had an intimate relationship with the social life of English people from an early period in history. Many instructive books have appeared on the subject of carriages generally, but these have been for the most part written by experts in the art of coach and carriage building. In this public..

Practical Agitation

Practical Agitation

by John Jay Chapman

This book is an attempt to follow the track of personal influence across society. The first three chapters are taken up with discussions of political reform, the fourth chapter with contemporary journalism. The results of these discussions are then summarized in the chapters called “Principles.”I know that there are as many ways of stating the main..