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Stained Glass Windows -  An Essay

Stained Glass Windows - An Essay

by William Frederic Faber

The subject is certainly one of present interest. The advertisements of firms who produce stained glass windows are numerous and conspicuous in our Church weeklies; glowing accounts of memorials just erected in this place and that make up a large part of our “Diocesan News.” To say nothing of the fact that we are in danger of forgetting what the re..

Two Years Among New Guinea Cannibals

Two Years Among New Guinea Cannibals

by A. E. Pratt

This record of two years’ scientific work in the only country of the globe that has still escaped exploration purposely avoids the dry detail of a Natural History Report, such as might properly be submitted to a learned society, and is intended rather to set forth to the general reader the vicissitudes of the traveller’s daily life in unknown New G..

Subject to Vanity

Subject to Vanity

by Margaret Benson

Why were cats created? I do not mean this as a sceptical question, doubtful of any end in their creation; no answer about adaptation and environment would be adequate, nor any statement of specific use. For with all the higher animals—that is to say, with all the animals one intimately knows—there is some beauty of intelligence, physique, or charac..

A Text-Book of Horseshoeing, for Horseshoers and Veterinarians

A Text-Book of Horseshoeing, for Horseshoers and Veterinarians

by Anton Lungwitz

Horseshoeing is an industry which requires, in equal degree, knowledge and skill. The word “horseshoeing” embraces various acts, especially preparing the iron sole, the horseshoe; forming it and fitting it to the hoof, whose ground-surface has been previously dressed in accordance with the direction of the limb, and fastening it to the hoof by mean..

The City of the Saints, and Across the Rocky Mountains to California

The City of the Saints, and Across the Rocky Mountains to California

by Richard F. Burton

Unaccustomed, of late years at least, to deal with tales of twice-told travel, I can not but feel, especially when, as in the present case, so much detail has been expended upon the trivialities of a Diary, the want of that freshness and originality which would have helped the reader over a little lengthiness. My best excuse is the following extrac..

Survival at Altitude for Heavy and Very Heavy Bomber Crews

Survival at Altitude for Heavy and Very Heavy Bomber Crews

by Anonymous

These notes were originally intended as a source of general reference concerning OXYGEN EQUIPMENT AND ITS USE by members of crews of the B-17 and B-24 heavy bomber. As a member of a heavy bomber team, in combat you will be living and fighting in a world where man has no business--from three to six miles above the environment for which nature design..

The Lake Regions of Central Africa -  A Picture of Exploration, Vol. 1

The Lake Regions of Central Africa - A Picture of Exploration, Vol. 1

by Richard F. Burton

Modern “hinters to travellers” direct the explorer and the missionary to eschew theory and opinion. We are told somewhat peremptorily that it is our duty to gather actualities not inferences—to see and not to think, in fact, to confine ourselves to transmitting the rough material collected by us, that it may be worked into shape by the professional..

The Lake Regions of Central Africa -  A Picture of Exploration, Vol. 2

The Lake Regions of Central Africa - A Picture of Exploration, Vol. 2

by Richard F. Burton

There is the evidence of barbarous tradition for a belief in the existence of Unyamwezi as a great empire, united under a single despot. The elders declare that their patriarchal ancestor became after death the first tree, and afforded shade to his children and descendants. According to the Arabs the people still perform pilgrimage to a holy tree, ..