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Ancient Rome and Modern America

Ancient Rome and Modern America

by Guglielmo Ferrero

The object of the essays collected in this volume, with the exception of three which recount three curious episodes in Roman history, is the investigation of the most important differences between the ancient world and the modern, between Europe and America; in what way and in what particulars the civilisations of the ancients and of Europe have be..

Letters of the Late Ignatius Sancho, an African

Letters of the Late Ignatius Sancho, an African

by Ignatius Sancho

The extraordinary Negro, whose Life I am about to write, was born A. D. 1729, on board a ship in the Slave trade, a few days after it had quitted the coast of Guinea for the Spanish West-Indies; and, at Carthagena, he received from the hand of the Bishop, Baptism, and the name of Ignatius.A disease of the new climate put an early period to his moth..

Life and Confession of Ann Walters

Life and Confession of Ann Walters

by Anonymous

It has probably never fallen to the lot of man to record a list of more cruel, heart-rending, atrocious, cold-blooded and horrible crimes and murders, than have been perpetrated by the subject of this narrative, and that too in the midst of a highly civilized and Christian community; and deeds, too, which for the depravity of every human feeling se..

The Collected Works of Ambrose Bierce, Volume 11

The Collected Works of Ambrose Bierce, Volume 11

by Ambrose Bierce

The greater part of the contents of this volume is published in admirable form by A. M. Robertson, of San Francisco, with the title The Shadow on the Dial and Other Essays. When the prospectus of Mr. Bierce’s Collected Works was issued by our house in 1908 no allowance was made for this matter, but through the generosity of Mr. Robertson, and of Mr..

The Flowers and Gardens of Madeira

The Flowers and Gardens of Madeira

by Florence Du Cane

The very name of Madeira (or island of timber, as the word signifies) brings to the minds of most people a suggestion of luxuriant vegetation flourishing in a damp, enervating climate. Such, indeed, was my own mental picture of Madeira before my first visit to the island. I expected to find every garden with the aspect of a fernery, moisture drippi..

A Handbook of Old Japan, Volume I

A Handbook of Old Japan, Volume I

by Richard Hildreth

In collecting materials for a biography of the first explorers and planters of New England and Virginia, I was carried to Japan, where I happened to arrive (in the spirit) almost simultaneously with Commodore Perry’s expedition. My interest thus roused in this secluded country has produced this book, into which I have put the cream skimmed, or, as ..

A Handbook of Old Japan, Volume II

A Handbook of Old Japan, Volume II

by Richard Hildreth

The rooms in Japanese houses have seldom more than one blank wall, which is plastered with clay of Ōsaka, a good fine sort, and so left bare, without any other ornament. It is so thin that the least kick would break it to pieces. On all other sides the room has either windows or folding-screens, which slide in grooves, as occasion requires. The low..

Wesley's Designated Successor

Wesley's Designated Successor

by Luke Tyerman

Jean Guillaume de la Flechere, wrote Robert Southey, “was a man of rare talents, and rarer virtue. No age or country has ever produced a man of more fervent piety, or more perfect charity; no Church has ever possessed a more apostolic minister. He was a man of whom Methodism may well be proud, as the most able of its defenders; and whom the Church ..