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Report of the Twentieth National Anti-Slavery Bazaar

Report of the Twentieth National Anti-Slavery Bazaar

by A. W. Weston

The brightness of the New Year of 1854 did not fall without its shadows on the community of which we make a part. The storm of the 28th and 29th of December, unprecedented in severity, for many years, had brought to some homes actual bereavement or severe pecuniary loss, to many, serious annoyance, inconvenience and anxiety, and to all, that subdui..

The Klan Unmasked

The Klan Unmasked

by W. J. Simmons

Various representatives of the press, as well as many of my colleagues in the organization of which I have the honor to be the Founder and head, have repeatedly asked me to make a public statement, descriptive of our organization. It was anticipated in certain quarters that we should at once make specific reply to the embittered attacks upon the Kl..

An Account of Two Voyages to New-England

An Account of Two Voyages to New-England

by John Josselyn

The first of the “Two Voyages” of Josselyn, of which he gives an account in the present work, was undertaken in the year 1638, only eight years after the settlement of Boston, and when, to use his own words, “it was rather a village than a town, there being not above twenty or thirty houses;” while the second visit of the author to New England took..

Keeping Down the Cost of Your Woodwork

Keeping Down the Cost of Your Woodwork

by Anonymous

Not so many years ago, home-builders of good taste who wished to have in their homes a background of beautiful woodwork with architectural value found it almost impossible to obtain such woodwork except by special order, at necessarily great cost. The Curtis Companies have done much to change this—to make this one thing that is “fair in life,” “fai..

West African Folk-Tales

West African Folk-Tales

by W. H. Barker

In presenting to the public these stories based on the folk-lore of the Gold Coast peoples, it seems necessary to say something in general terms of the economic and social development of the colony in so far as that development is affecting the ‘lore’ of the folk.Not until the civilization and industrialism of Europe began to penetrate into the dis..

A fragment of the prison experiences

A fragment of the prison experiences

by Emma Goldman

There was a time—and that not so very long ago—when popular ignorance and superstition looked upon an insane person as one possessed of the devil or of some other evil spirit. They sought to drive the “evil one” out by beating and torturing the insane, and often even by drowning, hanging, and burning.We have fortunately passed that stage of stupid ..

Ealing and Its Vicinity

Ealing and Its Vicinity

by D. F. E. Sykes

The purpose of this brochure is not an ambitious one. It does not aspire to rank in antiquarian or topographical interest with the work of Mr. Falkener; its modest claim is to tell briefly and in simple words such facts connected with the parish of Ealing and its neighbourhood as may be reasonably supposed to possess an interest for the ordinary re..

The Building in Japan

The Building in Japan

by Teijiro Takagi

The head carpenter first makes a calculation of the quantity of timber necessary to complete the building and so much timber is carried to the spot where the house will be built. Here the head carpenter has to use his talent seriously for choosing the timbers, appropriate for poles, upper and lower beams, railings and halls, etc., so that the best ..