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The Principle of Relativity

The Principle of Relativity

by Albert Einstein

Lord Kelvin writing in 1893, in his preface to the English edition of Hertz’s Researches on Electric Waves, says “many workers and many thinkers have helped to build up the nineteenth century school of plenum, one ether for light, heat, electricity, magnetism; and the German and English volumes containing Hertz’s electrical papers, given to the wor..

Religious Experience and Journal of Mrs. Jarena Lee

Religious Experience and Journal of Mrs. Jarena Lee

by Jarena Lee

I was born February 11th, 1783, at Cape May, State of New Jersey. At the age of seven years I was parted from my parents, and went to live as a servant maid, with a Mr. Sharp, at the distance of about sixty miles from the place of my birth.My parents being wholly ignorant of the knowledge of God, had not therefore instructed me in any degree in thi..

Wireless Possibilities

Wireless Possibilities

by A. M. Low

Invention, in many ways, is the science and art of continuity of thought. The inventor is often referred to as a strange person; very true, very necessarily true when we realise that his doings must be strange or new, to be of value. To train oneself to forget the smell of the beefsteak when hungry and to continue the natural sequence of ideas whic..

Researches Chemical and Philosophical

Researches Chemical and Philosophical

by Humphry Davy

In consequence of the discovery of the respirability and extraordinary effects of nitrous oxide, or the dephlogisticated nitrous gas of Dr. Priestley, made in April 1799, in a manner to be particularly described hereafter, I was induced to carry on the following investigation concerning its composition, properties, combinations, and mode of operati..

The Preaching of Islam

The Preaching of Islam

by T. W. Arnold

It is with considerable diffidence that I publish these pages; the subject with which they deal is so vast, and I have had to prosecute it under circumstances so disadvantageous, that I can hope but for small measure of success. When I may be better equipped for the task, and after further study has enabled me to fill up the gaps left in the presen..

Bees, Shown to the Children

Bees, Shown to the Children

by Ellison Hawks

When I was a little boy I often wished that my soldiers would come to life. I used to think how grand it would be if only I could have a city of little people on the dining-room table. Of course my dreams never came true, even though one day I had a brilliant idea, and wrapped a whole regiment of soldiers in flannel and put them in the oven, hoping..

International Thought

International Thought

by John Galsworthy

Looking the world in the face, we see what may be called a precious mess. Under a thin veneer—sometimes no veneer—of regard for civilisation, each country, great and small, is pursuing its own ends, struggling to rebuild its own house in the burnt village. The dread of confusion-worse-confounded, of death recrowned, and pestilence revivified, alone..

New Century Speaker and Writer

New Century Speaker and Writer

by Henry Davenport Northrop

Millions of young people in America are being educated, and hence there is a very great demand for a Standard Work showing how to express written thought in the most elegant manner and how to read and recite in a way that insures the greatest success. To meet this enormous demand is the aim of this volume.The work contains a complete list of synony..