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Early Greek philosophy

Early Greek philosophy

by John Burnet

It was not till the primitive view of the world and the customary rules of life had broken down, that the Greeks, began to feel the needs which philosophies of nature and of conduct seek to satisfy. Nor were those needs felt all at once. The traditional maxims of conduct were not seriously questioned till the old view of nature had passed away; and..

Sidelights on Negro Soldiers

Sidelights on Negro Soldiers

by Charles H. Williams

It is the purpose of this book to tell something of the achievement of the Negro soldier in the World War and to describe the conditions under which he lived as these were seen by the writer, who for eighteen months investigated conditions in America and France under the auspices of the Federal Council of Churches of Christ in America and of the Ph..

The Early Christians in Rome

The Early Christians in Rome

by H. D. M. Spence-Jones

Of the five Books which make up this work, the First Book relates generally the history of the fortunes of the Church in Rome in the first days.The foundation stories of the Roman congregations were laid largely by the Apostles Peter and Paul—Peter, so with one accord say the earliest contemporary writers, being the first apostle who preached in Ro..

The A B C of Relativity

The A B C of Relativity

by Bertrand Russell

Everybody knows that Einstein has done something astonishing, but very few people know exactly what it is that he has done. It is generally recognized that he has revolutionized our conception of the physical world, but his new conceptions are wrapped up in mathematical technicalities. It is true that there are innumerable popular accounts of the t..

The Animals' Christmas Tree

The Animals' Christmas Tree

by John P. Peters

Once upon a time the animals decided to have a Christmas tree, and this was how it came about. The swifts and the swallows in the chimneys in the country houses, awakened from their sleep by joy and laughter, had stolen down and peeped in upon scenes of happiness, the centre of which was always an evergreen tree covered with wonderful fruit, bright..

The North Americans of Antiquity

The North Americans of Antiquity

by John T. Short

The growing interest in the origin, migrations and life of the races of American Antiquity has led me to believe that the subjects considered in these pages would meet with the favorable attention of the public and of the specialist in this field. With such a conviction I present this volume, realizing the difficulties which attend any efforts to e..

Hints on the History and Management of the Honey Bee

Hints on the History and Management of the Honey Bee

by Edward Bevan

The bees collect also another substance called propolis, of a resinous nature. This is collected from certain trees, to fasten the combs to the roof of the hives, to varnish and strengthen the cell-work, and to stop up the crannies of the hive. This substance is used as soon as collected, while it is soft, none of it being stored, for its collector..

Massage & Exercises Combined

Massage & Exercises Combined

by Albrecht Jensen

In this volume I have endeavored to place before the public a novel method of real scientific massage movements combined with exercises, so that the benefits of both may be obtained simultaneously. The simplicity of its technic together with its ready personal application make it possible for any individual to achieve excellent results from its use..