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An Anatomical Disquisition on the Motion of the Heart & Blood in Animals

An Anatomical Disquisition on the Motion of the Heart & Blood in Animals

by William Harvey

Harvey’s work, by which his name has been made immortal, strikingly illustrates this. He was the first to show the nature of the movements of the heart, and how the blood moved in the body. He did so by putting on one side authority, and directly appealing to observation and experiment. The completeness of the success with which this independent li..

Cottage scenes during the cholera

Cottage scenes during the cholera

by William Isaac Coppard

A larger congregation than usual assembled at the Church, both parts of the day; and, although our services are generally observed with strict propriety, upon this occasion, a death-like stillness, and a marked solemnity of deportment prevailed.  About double the usual number also availed themselves of the opportunity of receiving the Holy Com..

Life Among the Butterflies

Life Among the Butterflies

by Vance Randolph

Many ancient and mediaeval writers dealt with butterflies, but the first descriptions of American species are found in the works of Linnaeus, the great Swedish naturalist who wrote about 1750, and invented the system upon which all modern classification is based. Pictures of several American butterflies were published in 1759 by Charles Clerck, who..

The Character and Happiness of Them That Die in the Lord

The Character and Happiness of Them That Die in the Lord

by William Dealtry

Amidst the visions of the Apocalypse, St. John had just beheld an emblematical representation of the Church of Christ, and of its Almighty Protector: a Lamb, standing on Mount Zion, with a hundred and forty and four thousand, having his Father’s name written in their foreheads: the faithful followers of their Lord in a corrupt and degenerate age; t..

Apollo and Marsyas, and Other Poems

Apollo and Marsyas, and Other Poems

by Eugene Lee-Hamilton

Apollo and Marsyas, and Other Poems, by Eugene Lee-Hamilton is a collection of poems and sonnets written by Eugene Lee-Hamilton. This collection includesAPOLLO AND MARSYASSISTER MARY OF THE PLAGUETHE BRIDE OF PORPHYRIONHUNTING THE KINGABRAHAM CAREWAN ODE OF THE TUSCAN SHORESWORD AND SICKLE..

Our Humble Helpers

Our Humble Helpers

by Jean-Henri Fabre

In its purpose and style this book closely resembles the same author’s “Story-Book of Science,” and it belongs to the same series. To many readers, however, it is likely to prove even more interesting than its predecessor, inasmuch as the domestic animals are more familiar and hence more interesting to many persons than the ant, the spider, the pla..

Icelandic Fairy Tales

Icelandic Fairy Tales

by Mrs. Angus W. Hall

Fairy Tales seem scarcely to require any preface, but in publishing these quaint Norse legends, a few explanatory remarks may not be out of place. In their original form, many of the stories are somewhat crude and rough for juvenile reading. This it has been the Editor’s endeavour to ameliorate by eliminating all objectionable matter, while at the ..

To the American Indian

To the American Indian

by Lucy Thompson

As there has been so much said and written about the American Indians, with my tribe, the Klamath Indians, included, by the white people, which is guessed at and not facts, I deem it necessary to first tell you who I am, for which please do not criticise me as egotistical.I am a pure full blooded Klamath river woman. In our tongue we call this grea..