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Pueblo pottery making

Pueblo pottery making

by Carl E. Guthe

The present paper is a careful study by Dr. Guthe of pottery making at San Ildefonso, a typical Pueblo Indian town on the Rio Grande, north of Santa Fe, New Mexico. The field-work was undertaken in 1921 as part of an archaeological survey of the Southwest, that has been carried on for a number of years by the Department of Archaeology of Phillips A..

The Strangest Things in the World

The Strangest Things in the World

by Thomas R. Henry

The challenges of Nature’s paradoxes have been sharp spurs to man’s search for knowledge since the start of science. Fortunately the number of these paradoxes is infinite, and so the quests are endless. Man never will know a wonderless world. In the phenomena of life especially we have come only to the zone of morning twilight. The bright day of un..

Fifty Photographic Views of Plymouth

Fifty Photographic Views of Plymouth

by John F. Murphy

Fifty Photographic Views of Plymouth contains Alden House, Boston Steamboat “Plymouth”, Bradford Monument, Burial Hill, Canopy over Plymouth Rock, Clarke, Grave of Thomas, Clark’s Island, Cole’s Blacksmith Shop, Cole’s Hill, Common House, Compact, County Court House, Court Street, Crow House, Cushman Monument, Departure of the Pilgrims—Paintin..

The Book of Stars

The Book of Stars

by Archie Frederick Collins

The stars are the friends of everyone who knows them. If you have never stood out in the open and watched the stars on a clear night, you have missed the most wonderful sight to be seen from this little old mud ball of ours, and my advice to you is not to let another night go by without making friends with the stars.By the stars I mean everything i..

The Caddo Indians of Louisiana

The Caddo Indians of Louisiana

by Clarence H. Webb

Northwestern Louisiana was occupied by the Caddo Indians during the period of early Spanish, French, and American contacts. By combining history and archaeology, the Caddo story can be traced back for a thousand years—a unique opportunity made possible by a long tradition of distinctive traits, especially in pottery forms and decorations. Our story..

The Real Question as to Altar Lights

The Real Question as to Altar Lights

by Edward James Phipps

The Holy Elements having thus become Christ’s Body, they are the source of life, and grace, and blessing of every kind, to those who, to use the divine language, “eat,” become partakers of,—are united with them.In discoursing of, and admitting the supernatural, we at once put aside the consideration of physical laws; we at once admit that things su..

A Selection of Cases on the Law of Torts

A Selection of Cases on the Law of Torts

by James Barr Ames

The chief occasion for this edition is the change in the first-year curriculum in Harvard Law School, which assigned to other courses many things formerly appropriated to the course in the Law of Torts and hence treated in former editions. Thus causation is now treated in a course on the Principles of Legal Liability; certain excuses, such as conse..

Lessons in Sabre

Lessons in Sabre

by John Musgrave Waite

In the pages of this Manual an attempt is made to give full and practical instruction in Sabre and Singlestick Play, and in the use of Sabre against Bayonet, and also to explain the course of practice that is necessary for those who wish to perform the difficult sword feats which require at once strength and lightness of hand. How far I have succee..