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Twenty Talks to Teachers

Twenty Talks to Teachers

by Thomas E. Sanders

Twenty Talks to Teachers is an epitome of some of the discussions used by the author in teachers’ institutes. It is not a profound book. It was not intended to be. Its object is to call the attention of young teachers to some of the every day conditions and problems which they must solve for themselves. The average term of service of teachers is li..

The Co-opolitan

The Co-opolitan

by Zebina Forbush

This volume is given to the public without other excuse than the simple fact that it has been written. If it is read it may do some good, but in any event it cannot do injury. If it is not read the hour which knew it will pass with it, and countless hours, like waves in Time’s ocean, will roll on multitudinously, with their burdens of good and evil..

A History of Magic and Experimental Science, Volume 2 (of 2)

A History of Magic and Experimental Science, Volume 2 (of 2)

by Lynn Thorndike

Thus Physica is more inclusive than the modern science of Physics, while Hugh evidently does not employ it in the specific sense of the art of medicine, of which the word physica was sometimes used in the medieval period. Hugh goes on to say that Physica is sometimes still more broadly interpreted to designate natural philosophy in contrast to logi..

Illustrations of the Huttonian Theory of the Earth

Illustrations of the Huttonian Theory of the Earth

by John Playfair

A Very little attention to the phenomena of the mineral kingdom, is sufficient to convince us, that the condition of the earth's surface has not been the same at all times that it is at the present moment. When we observe the impressions of plants in the heart of the hardest rocks; when we discover trees converted into flint, and entire beds of lim..

The A.B.-Z. of our own nutrition

The A.B.-Z. of our own nutrition

by Horace Fletcher

Luigi Cornaro suggested that all persons in his time ate more than was necessary; most persons ate twice as much as was good for them; and some, who were extravagantly gluttonous, ate ten times as much as was their most economic need; and Cornaro, who was a dissipated wreck at forty, reformed his manner of eating and lived to be a hundred to prove ..

Psychopathology of Everyday Life

Psychopathology of Everyday Life

by Sigmund Freud

Professor Freud developed his system of psychoanalysis while studying the so-called border-line cases of mental diseases, such as hysteria and compulsion neurosis. By discarding the old methods of treatment and strictly applying himself to a study of the patient’s life he discovered that the hitherto puzzling symptoms had a definite meaning, and th..

The Native Races of British North America

The Native Races of British North America

by Wilfrid D. Hambly

The “Old World” was startled in 1493 by the great navigator Columbus, who returned with wonderful narratives concerning the “New World” of North America, whose native population he called “Indians” because, strange as it may seem to us, he thought that by sailing west he must come to the land of India. At the present day scientists are at a loss to..

Myths of China and Japan

Myths of China and Japan

by Donald A. Mackenzie

This volume deals with the myths of China and Japan, and it is shown that these throw light on the origin and growth of civilization and the widespread dissemination of complex ideas associated with certain modes of life. The Far East does not appear to have remained immune to outside cultural influences in ancient times. Modern research has establ..