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The Glamour of the Arctic

The Glamour of the Arctic

by Arthur Conan Doyle

It is a strange thing to think that there is a body of men in Great Britain, the majority of whom have never, since their boyhood, seen the corn in the fields. It is the case with the whale-fishers of Peterhead. They begin their hard life very early as boys or ordinary seamen, and from that time onward they leave home at the end of February, before..

The Irish Nuns at Ypres

The Irish Nuns at Ypres

by Dame M. Columban

The following narrative was originally intended, as a record of the events it relates, for the use of the Community only. But, shortly after the arrival of the Mother Prioress in England, the manuscript was placed in my hands. I soon formed the opinion that it deserved a larger circulation. My friend Reginald Smith shared this view, and so the stor..

The Native Races of East Africa

The Native Races of East Africa

by Wilfrid D. Hambly

During recent years there has been a very happy tendency to change the nature of geographical teaching from a monotonous memorising of the names of natural features to a subject of living interest. In the endeavour to effect this change there has been a serious omission in our failure to appeal to natural interests of children by making the human e..

Apes and Monkeys: Their Life and Language

Apes and Monkeys: Their Life and Language

by R. L. Garner

This volume is the natural product of many years devoted by the author to studying the speech and habits of monkeys. That naturally led him up to the study of the great apes. The matter contained in this work is chiefly a record of the tabulated facts gleaned from his special field of research. The aim in view is to convey to the casual reader a mo..

Letters on the Moral and Religious State of South America

Letters on the Moral and Religious State of South America

by D.D. James Thomson

Soon after my return to England in 1825, I was solicited by several friends to publish extracts from the letters I had written during my residence in South America. To enable me to do this, I was kindly furnished with these letters by the individuals to whom they were addressed. I have at length attended to these solicitations, with this view of cr..

The Art of Home Furnishing and Decoration

The Art of Home Furnishing and Decoration

by Frank Alvah Parsons

Frank Alvah Parsons, President of the New York School of Fine and Applied Art, is a leading American authority on interior decoration. He long since has amply demonstrated his wonderful faculty for turning his knowledge to the common good. We know of no man who, with voice and pen, has fought harder or more unceasingly for better taste, for richer,..

The Conquest

The Conquest

by H. Bedford-Jones

The story of Pierre Radisson, which is herein related, has passed into history. That he was the first white man to reach the Mississippi, after De Soto, is now admitted. It was he who founded the Hudson's Bay Company, and who opened up the great Northwest to the world, receiving the basest of ingratitude in return.The materials and facts used in th..

The Foot-prints of the Creator

The Foot-prints of the Creator

by Hugh Miller

There are chapters in this little volume which will, I am afraid, be deemed too prolix by the general reader, and which yet the geologist would like less were there any portion of them away. They refer chiefly to organisms not hitherto figured nor described, and must owe their modicum of value to that very minuteness of detail which, by critics of ..