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A Modern Slavery

A Modern Slavery

by Henry Woodd Nevinson

The following chapters describe my journey in the Portuguese province of Angola (West Central Africa), and in the Portuguese islands of San Thomé and Principe, during the years 1904, and 1905.The journey was undertaken at the suggestion of the editor of Harper’s Monthly Magazine, but in choosing this particular part of Africa for investigation I wa..

The Book of Alfalfa: History, Cultivation and Merits

The Book of Alfalfa: History, Cultivation and Merits

by F. D. Coburn

This volume, however strong its statements in favor of alfalfa may appear to those unacquainted with that plant’s productivity and beneficence, is by no means presented as an argument that everyone should raise alfalfa. It is intended rather as a conservative setting forth of what others have found alfalfa to be and do under wide variations of soil..

Letters from Australia

Letters from Australia

by John Martineau

Some people who have been to the Antipodes and back will tell you that a voyage to Australia in a good sailing ship is a very pleasant way of spending three months. Seen through the halo of distance it may seem so; certainly it leaves pleasant and amusing reminiscences behind. But I doubt if one person in twenty on board our excellent ship the Merc..

The Bee Keeper's Guide (Fourth Edition)

The Bee Keeper's Guide (Fourth Edition)

by J. H. Payne

Having written the "Cottager's Guide for the Management of his Bees, upon the Depriving System," which has been printed under the direction of the Suffolk and Norfolk Apiarian Society, for gratuitous distribution amongst the Cottagers, I am induced, at the particular request of several Apiarian friends, to enlarge the above little work, and to give..

Music in Medicine

Music in Medicine

by Sidney Licht

In presenting a musician’s point of view on so specific a subject as “Music in Medicine”, it seems to me necessary at the outset to clarify the status of music as an independent aesthetic art, and its practical adaptation for definite utilitarian purposes. We must clearly separate the active individual process of artistic creation from the elements..

Etiquette for Little Folks

Etiquette for Little Folks

by Mrs. Henry S. Mackarness

Children, these are the most essential of those rules of behavior, the observance of which will deliver you from the disgraceful titles of sordid and clownish, and entail upon you the honor of being called well-bred children; for there is scarcely a sadder sight, than a clownish and unmannerly child. Avoid, therefore, with the greatest diligence, s..

Memorials of Old Devonshire

Memorials of Old Devonshire

by F. J. Snell

The object of the present volume is to present what may be termed a history of Devon in episode. A comprehensive and, at the same time, detailed record of the county, dealing more or less fully with the principal events of every town’s life, would require many volumes as large as or larger than ours, and yet might fail to impress the reader with th..

The History of the Manners and Customs of Ancient Greece, Volume 1 (of 3)

The History of the Manners and Customs of Ancient Greece, Volume 1 (of 3)

by James Augustus St. John

Many moral phenomena appear to baffle the sagacity of statesmen, because, confiding too implicitly in experience, they omit to widen the range of their contemplation so as to embrace the whole circle of the people’s existence whose fortunes and character they desire to comprehend. To be successful in such an inquiry it is requisite to lay open, as ..