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Peaks of Shala

Peaks of Shala

by Rose Wilder Lane

Author's Introduction: I would not have this book considered too seriously. It is not an attempt to untangle one thread in the Balkan snarl; it is not a study of primitive peoples; it is not a contribution to the world’s knowledge, and I hope no one will read it to improve the mind. It should be read as the adventures in it were lived, with a gayly..

Tractor Principles

Tractor Principles

by Roger B. Whitman

The tractor of to-day is built in almost as many types and designs as there are tractor makers, and is far from being as standard as the automobile. There are tractors with one driving wheel, with two driving wheels, with three and with four, as well as three arrangements of the crawler principle; there are two-wheelers, three-wheelers and four-whe..

War, 52 Carey Cartoons

War, 52 Carey Cartoons

by Ray Smith

From time immemorial the human race has been interested in pictures of persons, scenes and things; and one of the most potent means of driving home ideas and lessons, and oftentimes of arousing human passions, is the cartoon. No longer venomous, the cartoon is regarded as a humorous or sarcastic comment on topics uppermost in the nation’s mind. It ..

The Growth of the English House

The Growth of the English House

by J. Alfred Gotch

The object aimed at in the following pages is to tell the story of the growth of the English house from its first appearance in a permanent form down to the time of our grandfathers, when it lost much of its interest. Although it is a history of domestic architecture, no deep architectural knowledge is required to understand it; technical terms are..

Satire in the Victorian novel

Satire in the Victorian novel

by Frances Theresa Russell

Victorianism has the distinction of being the only period in literature whose very name savors of the byword and the reproach. To be an Elizabethan is to be envied for the gift of youthful exuberance and an exquisite joy in life. To be a Queen Annian (if the phrase may be adapted) is to be respected for the accomplishments of mature manhood,—a dign..

The Psychology of the Emotions

The Psychology of the Emotions

by Th. Ribot

The psychology of states of feelings, it is generally recognised, is still in a confused and backward condition. Although it has benefited in some measure by the contemporary allurement of psychological research, it must be acknowledged that it has only exerted a moderate seduction upon workers; the preference has been given to other studies, such ..

The Truth about the Titanic

The Truth about the Titanic

by Archibald Gracie

As the sole survivor of all the men passengers of the Titanic stationed during the loading of six or more lifeboats with women and children on the port side of the ship, forward on the glass-sheltered Deck A, and later on the Boat Deck above, it is my duty to bear testimony to the heroism on the part of all concerned. First, to my men companions wh..

Bantu Folk Lore

Bantu Folk Lore

by Matthew L. Hewat

Having been for some time located in the border districts of the Cape Colony, and there coming into frequent contact with the natives; I was struck with the fact that there was a large field for investigation, and record of the “Medical Folk Lore” of the Bantu tribes, which was becoming more and more difficult of attainment as time went on, owing t..