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The Useful Arts Employed in the Construction of Dwelling Houses
by AnonymousThe dwellings of mankind, at first rude and simple in the extreme, increase in complexity as their inhabitants advance in civilization. Primitive dwellings are scarcely distinguished by signs of superior skill or sagacity above the holes and nests of the lower animals. The hut of the Hottentot may be considered as an inverted nest, and it is certai..
Youth and Life
by Randolph Silliman BourneHow shall I describe Youth, the time of contradictions and anomalies? The fiercest radicalisms, the most dogged conservatisms, irrepressible gayety, bitter melancholy,—all these moods are equally part of that showery springtime of life. One thing, at least, it clearly is: a great, rich rush and flood of energy. It is as if the store of life had bee..
by Anthony HopeAlthough it is probable that the subject I have chosen to speak about this evening is rather outside the ordinary scope of your proceedings, I have thought it better to take that risk than to attempt to address you on some topic which I, as a working novelist and one who has made experiments in the dramatic line also, have had less occasion to stud..
Forty Years of It
by Brand WhitlockThe history of democracy’s progress in a mid-Western city—so, to introduce this book in specific terms, one perhaps inevitably must call it. Yet in using the word democracy, one must plead for a distinction, or, better, a reversion, indicated by the curious anchylosis that, at a certain point in their maturity, usually sets in upon words newly put ..
Texas Pecan Recipes
by Reagan V. BrownThere aren’t many Texans who don’t have a special liking for pecans grown in the state, usually enjoying them straight from the shell. But now, more and more people are incorporating pecans in many different types of recipes. In this booklet we have included recipes for salads, main dishes, desserts, candies, and cookies.We hope that you find new w..
A Marriage in High Life, Volume I
by Lady ScottLord Fitzhenry, at twenty-seven, was remarkably good-looking; and on his countenance and whole figure was that stamp of high birth, which, even where beauty does not exist, more than compensates for its absence. The general character of his countenance was that of openness and good humour; but an agitated, even a melancholy expression now clouded i..
Hints to Travellers, Scientific and General, Vol. 2
by Royal Geographical SocietyThe minimum requirement of instrumental observations by a traveller is the reading twice daily of the barometer and of the dry and wet bulb thermometers, to ascertain the temperature and humidity of the air, also the reading once daily, in the morning, of the minimum thermometer which has been exposed all night, and on days in camp of the maximum t..
Our Changing Morality: A Symposium
by Freda KirchweyThe subject of sex has been treated in this generation with a strange, rather panic-stricken lack of balance. Obscenity hawks its old wares at one end of the road and dogmatic piety shouts warnings at the other—while between is chaos. And the chaos extends beyond ideas and talk, beyond novels and scenarios and Sunday feature stories, into the realm..