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The Chemical Constituents of Piper Methysticum

The Chemical Constituents of Piper Methysticum

by Alice A. Ball

Among the customs peculiar to the inhabitants of the South Pacific Islands, perhaps the most noted is that of the preparation and drinking of a narcotic beverage called ava, kava, or yakona. Much of its notoriety arises from the repulsive way in which it is sometimes made. Aside from this, it is characteristic of a certain oceanic area, and seems t..

The Evolution of Marriage and of the Family

The Evolution of Marriage and of the Family

by Ch. Letourneau

He will do well to begin by persuading himself, with Montaigne, that the “hinges of custom” are not always the “hinges of reason,” and still less those of reality in all times and places. He will do better still to steep himself in the spirit of scientific evolution, and to bear in mind that incessant change is the law of the social, quite as much ..

On building a theatre

On building a theatre

by Irving Pichel

Architectural ineptitudes are more likely to be perpetuated and in time condoned than those in any other art. Generally speaking, a bad painting is scrapped, poor music remains unpublished and unplayed (along with much good music, no doubt), and bad books, after a time, cease to be read. But a building is somehow inescapable. Having a durability th..

George Meredith: A Study

George Meredith: A Study

by Hannah Lynch

A couple of months ago I was asked to give a lecture in Paris on a modern English writer, and I naturally selected my favourite, the subject of this little book. It was afterwards suggested to me that the lecture would bear expansion, a task I the more readily undertook because I was happy enough to learn that my humble effort had sent at least thr..

Bee Keeping for Profit. A New System of Bee Management (1880)

Bee Keeping for Profit. A New System of Bee Management (1880)

by Lizzie E. Cotton

The hive and system of bee management recommended in these pages is entirely original with me, and is not patented. I invented the hive and plan of management for my own use, as I am engaged in raising honey for market, and wish every swarm of bees I keep to produce the greatest possible amount of surplus honey, and in the most convenient and attra..

Bee Keeping for Profit. A New System of Bee Management (1891)

Bee Keeping for Profit. A New System of Bee Management (1891)

by Lizzie E. Cotton

In presenting this work I have no apology to make. After an experience with bees dating almost from childhood, and a careful study of all works published on the subject of bees, and the journals devoted to that particular branch of rural affairs, I find theory, guess-work, prejudice and selfish motives are so prevalent, as to confuse and discourage..

A Treatise on Regional Iodine Therapy for the Veterinary Clinician

A Treatise on Regional Iodine Therapy for the Veterinary Clinician

by Mart R. Steffen

In presenting to the veterinary profession this treatise on Regional Iodine Therapy, I do so with the object of bringing into the light certain clinical facts that have to do with the topical application of iodine in veterinary patients, and to discuss, from the standpoint of the clinician, those particular pathological conditions to which these fa..

The Key to the Family Deed Chest: How to Decipher and Study Old Documents

The Key to the Family Deed Chest: How to Decipher and Study Old Documents

by Emma Elizabeth Thoyts

Just ten years ago this little volume made its first appearance. Although many books on similar subjects have been written in that time, none have exactly given the same information, and this second edition has been decided upon. Additions and corrections to bring the book up to date have been made, but much still remains, and must remain, imperfec..