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Hints to Travellers, Scientific and General, Vol. 2

Hints to Travellers, Scientific and General, Vol. 2

by Royal Geographical Society

The minimum requirement of instrumental observations by a traveller is the reading twice daily of the barometer and of the dry and wet bulb thermometers, to ascertain the temperature and humidity of the air, also the reading once daily, in the morning, of the minimum thermometer which has been exposed all night, and on days in camp of the maximum t..

Our Changing Morality: A Symposium

Our Changing Morality: A Symposium

by Freda Kirchwey

The subject of sex has been treated in this generation with a strange, rather panic-stricken lack of balance. Obscenity hawks its old wares at one end of the road and dogmatic piety shouts warnings at the other—while between is chaos. And the chaos extends beyond ideas and talk, beyond novels and scenarios and Sunday feature stories, into the realm..

South-West Africa

South-West Africa

by William Eveleigh

“Of making many books there is no end,” said the Preacher, but strange to say, there is not a single book in the English language that deals with South-West Africa of modern days. Many references to the country are found in the older books of South African travel and exploration, and some good works have been written in later times by German author..

Ten Essays on Zionism and Judaism

Ten Essays on Zionism and Judaism

by Ahad Ha'am

The present volume of translations from the Hebrew of Achad Ha-Am differs in character from the volume of Selected Essays published in 1912 by the Jewish Publication Society of America. The earlier selection was confined, by the express desire of the publishing Society, to essays dealing with the broader aspects of Judaism and Jewish thought; essay..

A Marriage in High Life, Volume II

A Marriage in High Life, Volume II

by Lady Scott

Easter was now fast approaching, and Fitzhenry announced to Emmeline his intention of going out of town for a fortnight,—but not to Arlingford—And he concluded by saying, that, of course, he supposed she would like to pass the time with her father at Charlton.At any other time, and under any other circumstances, how gladly would she have availed he..

The Wright Brothers

The Wright Brothers

by Fred C. Kelly

THE aim in this book has been to satisfy the curiosity of the average, non-technical reader regarding the work of the Wright Brothers, and to do so as simply as possible. No attempt has been made to go into minute technical details. Nor does the book cover the scientific researches and numerous inventions by Orville Wright since the death of his br..

The Boys' Book of Model Aeroplanes

The Boys' Book of Model Aeroplanes

by Francis A. Collins

N the boy’s calendar nowadays the aëroplane season comes in with sledding and runs all through skating, marble, top, kite-flying, and bicycle time. The delights of all the old games seem to be found in this marvelous new toy. The fun in throwing a top cannot compare with that of launching an aëroplane, while kite-flying is a very poor substitute fo..

The Hundred Cuirassiers

The Hundred Cuirassiers

by James Grant

In the following pages are narrated much of real life and adventure, with much that is historically true; but these passages I leave to the inquiring reader to discover or to separate. The localities are all described from old works or other sources, as they existed in the time of the hero. Many of the characters are real, and belong to history, su..