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A History of Mourning

A History of Mourning

by Richard Davey

A History of Mourning is a historic exploration of customs of mourning and funerals, written by Richard Davey. This book explores the tradition of mourning which evolved across many cultures, continents of various eras. Mourning and funeral ceremonies were followed in various forms in many ancient customs, which has been provided in depth details w..

A First Spanish Reader

A First Spanish Reader

by Erwin W. Roessler

A First Spanish Reader is a text book to learn the Spanish language co-authored by Erwin W. Roessler and Alfred Remy.  This little book contains Vocabulary, Preguntas and Abbrevations in vocabulary for more than 500 words which are written in the alphabetical order for ease of reader’s navigation.  Overall a good read for anyone who wa..

Emile, Or Treatise on Education

Emile, Or Treatise on Education

by Jean Jacques Rousseau

Emile, Or Treatise on Education is written by Jean-Jacques Rousseau, a Genevan philosopher whose writings influenced the French revolution remembered for his works such as The Confessions, Basic Political Writings, The Political writings of Jean-Jacques Rousseau, and On the Origin of Language. Emile Or Treatise on Education is a philosophical tr..

An Outline of English Speech-craft

An Outline of English Speech-craft

by William Barnes

An Outline of English Speech-craft is a book written to teach Anglo-Saxon speech to English minds written by William Barnes, a philologist  and English writer who has been attributed for more than 800 poems. This book is an effort to teach English grammar speech with quotes from more than 70 different languages.  The author mentions in..

The Tao Teh King

The Tao Teh King

by Laozi

The Tao Teh King is a Chinese classic text about Taoism written by Laozi, a Chinese philosopher remembered as the philosophical Taoism founder. Laozi’s authorship had been debated for many works attributed to him including The Tao Teh King. The Tao Teh King is one of the most translated works in world literature; it has influenced Legalism, Conf..



by Xenophon

Anabasis is historical text on written by Xenophon, a Greek soldier, historian and disciple of Socrates. Anabasis is a Greek term meaning an expedition from coastline to interior of a country, while katabasis is the vice versa of Anabasis. Anabasis is a historical account of a professional soldier who led Ten thousand army men against the Persia..

The Mentor - American Miniature Painters

The Mentor - American Miniature Painters

by Elizabeth Lounsbery

The Mentor - American Miniature Painters is an attempt to narrate the most popular miniature painters of America. While this is not a biographical work, however incidents in their life history is narrated which related to Portrait painting. This work is written by an American author and art critic Elizabeth Lounsbery. This book narrates six Amer..

The Elements of Style

The Elements of Style

by William Strunk

The Elements of Style is a guide to English usage written by Cornell University  English professor William Strunk. This guide book is an essential read for those who want to learn professional writings in English language especially the American style of English. The author has strategically divided the book into chapters such as Elementary..