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The Essays or Counsels, Civil and Moral

The Essays or Counsels, Civil and Moral

by Francis Bacon

The Essays or Counsels, Civil and Moral is a series of essays covering many topics written by Francis Bacon, an English philosopher remembered as the creator of empiricism theory which knowledge of sensory experience.   This text contains an exploration of philosophical thoughts on diversified topics such as truth, death, revenge, adversary,..

Supply and Demand

Supply and Demand

by Sir Hubert Douglas Henderson

Supply and Demand is start-up guide to the basis of economics, written by Sir Hubert Douglas Henderson. The author describes in the introductory note that this book is intended for layman’ reading, which would give a generic idea on how the economists apply the principles behind supply and demand for solving economic problems. The difficult area..

The Handbook to English Heraldry

The Handbook to English Heraldry

by Charles Boutell

The Handbook to English Heraldry is an exploration of historical records of English heraldry written by a Norfolk archaeologist Charles Boutell, remembered for his writings on brasses, arms and armour and heraldry. His notable writings include; The monumental brasses of England, A Manual of British Archeology, The Arts and the Artistic Manufactu..

An Account of Egypt

An Account of Egypt

by Herodotus

An Account of Egypt is a historical exploration of Egypt written by the ancient Greek historian Herodotus, who has been called as “The Father of History” for his efforts in systematic writing, vivid narrative and accuracy checks.  Though his masterpiece The Histories is the only work attributed to him, however he performed his writings as c..

How to Speak and Write Correctly

How to Speak and Write Correctly

by Joseph Devlin

How to Speak and Write Correctly is a handbook which guide a common man to understand better English which can be used for speaking and writing in day to day life avoiding common mistakes in which a small mistake like improper use of punctuation can lead to disastrous change in the meaning.  The author Joseph Devlin, mentions in the preface..

Carleton's Condensed Classical Dictionary

Carleton's Condensed Classical Dictionary

by George W. Carleton

Carleton's Condensed Classical Dictionary is written and published by George W. Carleton. This little text book contains alphabetically indexed list of more than 1000 words condensed English words commonly used in day to day writings. It also contains an index of alphabetically sorted abbreviations of words used for writing and printing. This 12..

Andersonville -  A Story of Rebel  Military Prisons

Andersonville - A Story of Rebel Military Prisons

by John McElroy

Andersonville: A Story of Rebel Military Prisons is the historical account of the exploration of the Confederate prisoner of war camp, written by the American Journalist and soldier John McElroy who was confined in the prison for fifteen months during the American civil war. His other notable works are The Red Acorn, The Economic Functions of Vice,..

The Sunny Side of Ireland

The Sunny Side of Ireland

by John O'Mahony

The Sunny Side of Ireland is a travel exploration of Ireland’s prominent places and transporting comforts. This travel guide is written by the Gaelic scholar John O'Mahony, who is the founding member of Irish republican-Irish American organization. This guide contains valuable information about railroads and the pictorial map of many important c..