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Dewey and Other Naval Commanders

Dewey and Other Naval Commanders

by Edward Sylvester Ellis

Dewey and Other Naval Commanders is a book which details the bravery of important Naval commanders of America, written by the American author Edward Sylvester Ellis, remembered for his fiction works and historical accounts. His notable works among his publications include The Steam Man of the Prairies, Seth Jones, The Stories of the Greatest Nation..

Anecdotes of the Habits and Instinct of Animals

Anecdotes of the Habits and Instinct of Animals

by Sarah Bowdich Lee

Anecdotes of the Habits and Instinct of Animals, is a book which explores the habits of animals, written by the English zoologist Sarah Bowdich Lee, who was also a pteridologist, botanist, illustrator and traveller. Her notable writings include British Birds, The Farm and its Scenes, Familiar Natural History, The African wanderers, and Elements of ..

Ten Great Events in History

Ten Great Events in History

by James Johonnot

Ten Great Events in History is a historical exploration of important events and the persons who was instrumental for the events in spite of their personal consequences, which lead to the shape the world and had the potential for subsequent changes in shaping the world. This historical compilation work is authored by James Johonnot, an American e..

The Story of Geographical Discovery -  How the World Became Known

The Story of Geographical Discovery - How the World Became Known

by Joseph Jacobs

The Story of Geographical Discovery: How the World Became Known, is geographical exploration of world which was discovered by human race of each other. This book is written by the American historian Joseph Jacobs, who was also a folklorist, has numerous writings to his credit such as collections of Fables of Bidpai, Fables of Aesop, English Fairy T..

Ancient Man -  The Beginning of Civilizations

Ancient Man - The Beginning of Civilizations

by Hendrik Willem van Loon

Ancient Man: The Beginning of Civilizations is a book written for young readers by the Dutch historian Hendrik Willem van Loon, whose numerous historical writings include The Fall of the Dutch Republic, The Rise of the Dutch Kingdom, Man the Miracle Maker, and A World Divided is a World Lost. This book explores the chronological events which sha..

The Story of Mankind

The Story of Mankind

by Hendrik Willem van Loon

The Story of Mankind is an exploration of civilization from the Dark Age to the contemporary world.  This Newbery Medal winning book was written and illustrated by the Dutch historian Hendrik Willem Van Loon, whose works include The Story of the Pacific, Good Tidings, An Elephant Up a Tree, and The Story of the Bible. This book details the ..

More Goops and How Not to Be Them

More Goops and How Not to Be Them

by Gelett Burgess

More Goops and How Not to Be Them, is a manual which teaches good behavior to the impolite child, written by the American humorist Frank Gelett Burgess, remembered for coining the word blurb and author of Goops books and other writings such as Goops, and How to be Them, More Goops, and How Not to Be Them, Goop Tales, The Rubaiyat of Omar Cayenne, a..

The Kitchen Encyclopedia

The Kitchen Encyclopedia

by Various Authors

The Kitchen Encyclopedia is published by Swift and Company.  This is a comprehensive guide written not about just cooking, but a whole lot of information including Recipes, House Cleaning Hints, and Laundry Helps, House plants, Use of Fireless Cookers and Renovating suggestions. Most favorite chapter is about house plants.  While we al..