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Metapsychical Phenomena

Metapsychical Phenomena

by James Clerk Maxwell

Metapsychical Phenomena is written by the Scottish mathematical physicst James Clerk Maxwell.  The excerpts of this book is well summarised by Charles Richet in his preface as " My advice to the reader may be summed up in a few words. He must take up this book without prejudice. He must fear neither that which is new, nor that which is unexpec..

A Book of Cornwall

A Book of Cornwall

by Sabine Baring Gould

A Book of Cornwall is written by by the English Anglican priest Rev. Sabine Baring-Gould. With more than 1240 publications, his writings span across many genres with notable works like A Book of the Pyrenees, The Life of Napoleon Bonaparte, A Book of Dartmoor, A Book of Ghosts , and Devon Characters and Strange Events...

Essay on Man, Moral Essays and Satires

Essay on Man, Moral Essays and Satires

by Alexander Pope

This philosophical poem written by the eighteenth century English Poet Alexander Pope, whose satirical verse brought recognition to his translation of Homer.  One of the most frequently quoted writers like Shakespeare, his most famous poem is “The Rape of the Lock”.  His intention of making “Essay on Man” as a larger work has been left in..

Boy Scouts Handbook

Boy Scouts Handbook

by Anonymous

Boy Scouts Handbook is an essential guide to scout boys, officially published by Boy Scouts of America. A movement which has created interests among boys in all nations has become universal now. It is definitely a daunting task for an organization like Boys Scouts of America, to evaluate the material which has to meet such widely scattered patrol o..

The History Of Herodotus, Volume 1 (of 2)

The History Of Herodotus, Volume 1 (of 2)

by Herodotus

The History Of Herodotus is the first of two volume of “The Histories”,  a record of ancient traditions,  geography, politics and encounters of various cultures written by the Greek historian Herodotus who is known as “The father of History” for his systematic narrative of ancient history.  “The Histories” being the only work credite..

The Elementary Forms of the Religious Life

The Elementary Forms of the Religious Life

by Emile Durkheim

The Elementary Forms of the Religious Life is a study of religion as social phenomenon, written by David Émile Durkheim, a Frech Sociologist and philosopher who is remembered as “Father of sociology” who was instrumental in founding modern social science.  His notable writings include The Division of Labour in Society, The Rules of Sociologica..

The Mechanical Properties of Wood

The Mechanical Properties of Wood

by Samuel J. Record

The Mechanical Properties of Wood is written for forestry students in an attempt to provide them the essential knowledge and technical properties.  This book is written by the American Botanist Samuel J. Record, one of the prominent scholars in the study of wood, who has travelled across Americas and had an amazing collection of 41000 identifi..

How We Think

How We Think

by John Dewey

How We Think is a mandatory read for education professionals and teachers to introspect our self and know how the education system has taken a massive change for teachers as well as the pupils.  The contemporary education system has created a challenge for educators, as the teachers now no longer can deal with masses; rather they have to do it..