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by William James

Pragmatism is a series of lectures by William James, who is often referred as “Father of American Psychology”. Pragmatism is a philosophical tradition evolved in the later decades of 18th century by the three most important philosophers including the author himself along with John Dewey and Charles Sanders Peirce. Pragmatists contend that most phil..

The Sounds of Spoken English

The Sounds of Spoken English

by Walter Rippmann

The Sounds of Spoken English is a guide to understand how well we pronounce the language as it should be. If you think, did I not speak the language for years in my life and why do I need to know about this book. The book may therefore be useful to the teacher of foreign languages; but it is intended also for a larger circle. In our Training Colleg..

The Panama Canal

The Panama Canal

by Duncan E. McKinlay

The idea of constructing an artificial water-way between the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Panama is as old as the discovery of America. Christopher Columbus, in early life, became converted to the idea that the world was round, and his studies led him to believe that by sailing in a direct course and sailing far enough, he could circumnavigate the..



by William Watts Folwell

Minnesota is an in depth historical exploration of its settlement and civilization written by William Watts Folwell.  Though there has been already material on this available in many forms, the author of this book had the advantage of accessing many original resources which were not with the his predecessors who has written about Minnesota. Di..

The Rivers of Great Britain -  Rivers of the East Coast

The Rivers of Great Britain - Rivers of the East Coast

by Various Authors

The Rivers of Great Britain: Rivers of the East Coast is a complete guide to the important rivers of Britain written by various authors.  Whethser for academic or informative purpose, this book will be a good read to understand detailed information of the rivers and the geographical reach. ExcerptsTHE Wharfe is typical of the broad shire...

Records of Steam Boiler Explosions

Records of Steam Boiler Explosions

by Edward Bindon Marten

Steam boiler explosions could be fatal which can claim many lives, infact claimed many lives in the past.  This book "Records of Steam Boiler Explosions" is a true account of such historical explosions which happened during the years 1866 to 1871, written by Edward Bindon Marten. The author mentioned in the preface very clearly that the p..

A Manual of Philippine Birds

A Manual of Philippine Birds

by Richard McGregor

During several years spent in collecting zoölogical specimens in the Philippine Islands the author has constantly experienced the need of a book containing descriptions of the Philippine birds. That others have felt the same want is evident from the many requests for literature received. Lists of Philippine birds1 have been published from time to t..

The Philosophy of Immanuel Kant

The Philosophy of Immanuel Kant

by A. D. Lindsay

Forward There is a story that Schopenhauer used to begin his lectures on Kant by saying: "Let no one tell you what is contained in the Critique of Pure Reason." The writer of this little book hopes that no one will imagine that he has disregarded this warning. There are no short-cuts to the understanding of a great philosopher, and the..