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Australian Essays

Australian Essays

by Francis Adams

It would be absurd to suppose that it will not seem clear, to whatever readers this little book may find here, that one of the principal characters of the Dialogue is a man for whom we all, I think, feel more interest, admiration, and respect than any other among us. That this is so in reality, I must beg to deny, and I hope that, when I state that..



by Ernest Rutherford

In this work, I have endeavoured to give a complete and connected account, from a physical standpoint, of the properties possessed by the naturally radio-active bodies. Although the subject is comparatively a new one, our knowledge of the properties of the radio-active substances has advanced with great rapidity, and there is now a very large amoun..

Children of India

Children of India

by Janet Harvey Kelman

India is a very old land, and those who live there look far back into the past. They listen to the stories that were told of men and gods in those old days, and follow the customs that were followed then. There are many gods in India, and many priests who serve in their temples and at their shrines. The priests have more power over the lives of the..

A History of the Comstock Silver Lode & Mines

A History of the Comstock Silver Lode & Mines

by Dan De Quille

A History of the Comstock Silver Lode & Mines: Nevada and the Great Basin Region; Lake Tahoe and the High Sierras.The central idea in the preparation of this little book has been to give, as concisely as possible, such information in regard to the silver mines of the Comstock as the visiting tourist is likely to require. In doing this it was th..

Nicaraguan Antiquities

Nicaraguan Antiquities

by Carl Bovallius

Nicaragua is a very rich field for research to the student of American Archæology, and so I found it during my two years stay in Central America. I had there the good fortune several times to meet with localities more or less rich in remains from the prehistoric or rather pre-spanish period. Not very much being known about Central American antiquit..

The story of my childhood

The story of my childhood

by Clara Barton

The story of my childhood is an autobiography work of Clara Barton. It was May—the cherry trees were in bloom. For the first time in three years I had been able to sit for an evening among a company of persons (invalids like myself seeking strength), trying to entertain them with some remembrances of bygone days. I see it still, the broad..

A Farewell Sermon

A Farewell Sermon

by Joseph Holden Pott

When time draws on to a close with us, the last opportunities should be carefully regarded and applied to some such purpose as may show what has been the chief aim and the main design of past endeavours. A sad thing it would be, indeed, if the last portion of our time were to be reserved for some single effort: for who can accomplish at one step th..

A Sermon preached at Christ Church, Kensington

A Sermon preached at Christ Church, Kensington

by William Wright

A Sermon preached at Christ Church, Kensington, on May 1, 1859being the day appointed for a general thanksgiving to Almighty God, for the success granted to our arms in suppressing the rebellion and restoring tranquillity in Her Majesty's Indian Dominions...