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The Cause and Cure of the Cattle Plague -  A Plain Sermon

The Cause and Cure of the Cattle Plague - A Plain Sermon

by James Galloway Cowan

That God is the maker and preserver of all things, both visible and invisible; that He orders all things in heaven and earth according to His own will; that all parts of the universe have their origin, their functions, their capabilities from Him; that they operate or are suspended at His word; that He exalts to prosperity, and lays low in adversit..

The Ritual Movement

The Ritual Movement

by James Galloway Cowan

These words are a general precept about Church order following up a particular remonstrance.  The Corinthian Christians, divinely distinguished by the number and excellence of the spiritual gifts and privileges bestowed on them, had, alas! distinguished themselves by anarchy, lawlessness, pride, self-will, self-sufficiency, uncharitableness, e..

Adam Smith

Adam Smith

by Bryce Walton

Early in 1793 Dugald Stewart read at two meetings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh his “Account of the Life and Writings of Adam Smith.” Written with the sympathetic pen of a friend and disciple in the Corinthian style that Stewart loved, the memoir was too good to be superseded. A century passed, and in 1895 appeared Mr. John Rae’s exhaustive Lif..

An analysis of religious belief

An analysis of religious belief

by John Russell Amberley

The appearance, a few months ago, of The Analysis of Religious Belief caused not a little excitement in England, and its introduction into our country had much the same effect here. While many were more or less shocked by the Viscount's boldness of language in examining the sources of the religious creeds of the world, and at the freedom with which..

Upper Canada Sketches

Upper Canada Sketches

by Thomas Conant

IN presenting to the public these random sketches I crave the reader’s indulgence. I do not pretend to elegance of style in my writing, and if—as is doubtless the case—the canons of literary form are occasionally offended against in these pages, I ask the kindly consideration of the critics.If asked my reasons for publishing the volume, I would sta..

Structure and Functions of the Body

Structure and Functions of the Body

by Annette Fiske

Although there are already in existence many books on anatomy and physiology for nurses, none with which I am acquainted has seemed to me to provide in concise form just the knowledge needed by the nurse in her profession. Most of them, moreover, separate the anatomy from the physiology and all treat the different systems of tissues separately, fir..

General Harmar's Campaign

General Harmar's Campaign

by Anonymous

General Josiah Harmar’s ill-fated campaign in 1790 was the first of three historic expeditions against the Indians in the Old Northwest. The defeat of General Arthur St. Clair followed in 1791, and the victory of General Anthony Wayne in 1794.The first article in this pamphlet identifies the exact sites of the Indian villages around the three river..

Primitive Time-reckoning

Primitive Time-reckoning

by Martin P. Nilsson

Although in the present study I devote only a few pages to the Greek time-reckoning, and am engaged for the most part in very different fields, yet the work has arisen from a desire to prepare the way for a clearer view of the initial stages of the Greek time-reckoning. In the course of my investigations into Greek festivals I had from the beginnin..