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Harper's Electricity Book for Boys

Harper's Electricity Book for Boys

by Joseph H. Adams

If a handy-book of electricity like this had fallen into the hands of Thomas A. Edison when he was a newsboy on the Grand Trunk Railway, or when he was a telegraph operator, he would have devoured it with the utmost eagerness. To be sure, at that time, in the early sixties, all that we knew of electricity and its applications could have been told i..

Historical record of the Twenty-second, or the Cheshire Regiment of Foot

Historical record of the Twenty-second, or the Cheshire Regiment of Foot

by Richard Cannon

Historical record of the Twenty-second, or the Cheshire Regiment of Foot containing an account of the formation of the regiment in 1689, and of its subsequent services to 1849.The character and credit of the British Army must chiefly depend upon the zeal and ardour by which all who enter into its service are animated, and consequently it is of the ..

Clara Barton -  A Centenary Tribute to the World's Greatest Humanitarian

Clara Barton - A Centenary Tribute to the World's Greatest Humanitarian

by Charles Sumner Young

Clara Barton: A Centenary Tribute to the World's Greatest HumanitarianFounder of the American Red Cross Society, Author of the American Amendment to the International Red Cross Convention of Geneva, Founder of the National First Aid Association of America.The author undertakes to produce a few pen pictures of a personal friend—humanity’s friend. Th..

A lecture

A lecture

by Victoria Claflin Woodhull

Victoria C. Woodhull leaves this country shortly for Europe, and has prepared a lecture, which will be her farewell utterance. Those who heard Mrs. Woodhull recently at Paine Hall bear unanimous testimony to the humanitarian character of her address; she is the advocate of peculiar, because novel and original, views. A Times reporter has obtained a..

The Rising Son

The Rising Son

by Wm. Wells Brown

The Rising Son; or, the Antecedents and Advancement of the Colored Race is  the biography of African-American race written by Wm. Wells Brown whose other works include “Sketches Of Places And People Abroad,” “The Black Man,” “The Negro In The Rebellion,” “Clotelle,” Etc.After availing himself of all the reliable information obtainable, the aut..

Valladolid, Oviedo, Segovia, Zamora, Avila & Zaragoza

Valladolid, Oviedo, Segovia, Zamora, Avila & Zaragoza

by Albert F. Calvert

The six cities of Spain which form the subject of the following pages are little known to English travellers. Yet no one who would understand the country can afford to pass them by. Not only are they compact of artistic and architectural treasures, but within their walls much of the history of the Spanish nation has been made. Oviedo—that little ci..

Minor Dialogues, Together With the Dialogue on Clemency

Minor Dialogues, Together With the Dialogue on Clemency

by Lucius Annaeus Seneca

AUBREY STEWART's preface on the book saysI can say little by way of preface to Seneca’s “Minor Dialogues” which I have not already expressed in my preface to “De Beneficiis,” except that the “Minor Dialogues” seem to me to be composed in a gloomier key than either the “De Beneficiis” or “De Clementia,” and probably were written at a time when the a..

The New Astronomy

The New Astronomy

by S. P. Langley

The New Astronomy's author S. P. Langley's specifies in his introductory remark as I have written these pages, not for the professional reader, but with the hope of reaching a part of that educated public on whose support he is so often dependent for the means of extending the boundaries of knowledge.It is not generally understood that am..