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Wit, Humor, and Shakspeare -  Twelve Essays

Wit, Humor, and Shakspeare - Twelve Essays

by John Weiss

This subject is best reached from the point of reflecting that, of all the animals, man alone appears to be capable of laughter. If, as so many naturalists now claim, man has ascended by successive evolutions of varieties from a lower animal type, we ought to be able to find some germs of the laughing propensity among our ancestors. The first witne..

The Life of Rev. David Brainerd

The Life of Rev. David Brainerd

by Jonathan Edwards

It is a striking characteristic of the life of Brainerd, from the time of his entering on the study of Theology till his death, that he daily “walked with God,” or mourned the absence of the light of his countenance. President Edwards has endeavored to exhibit the state of his mind each day, as described in his diary. In this edition, many passages..

How to Become a Lightning Calculator

How to Become a Lightning Calculator

by Anonymous

How to Become a Lightning Calculator is a mental arithmetic book written by unknown author which provides techniques to quickly process common mathematical calculations.Instantaneous Addition.How to Add Two Columns at Once.Multiplication.Accurate Interest.Equation of Payments.The Lightning Calculator’s Addition.Bank Discount.How to Make Change.Proo..

Thoughts on South Africa

Thoughts on South Africa

by Olive Schreiner

These articles were written four years ago; the first, a description of South African scenery, appeared in The Fortnightly Review at that time. The rest did not follow. This was owing to the fact that there were at the Cape at that time certain parties and persons who, using the Boers of South Africa for their own purpose, yet pandered to them that..

Life of Charles T. Walker, D.D.

Life of Charles T. Walker, D.D.

by Silas Xavier Floyd

There is no species of literary composition more difficult than the writing of a good biography. Biographers are under a great temptation at times to create, or at least to magnify, the virtues of their subjects; and the temptation is not less on other occasions to deny, or greatly to minify, their vices. Dr. Walker has been an earnest student ever..

Race Distinctions in American Law

Race Distinctions in American Law

by Gilbert Thomas Stephenson

America has to-day no problem more perplexing and disquieting than that of the proper and permanent relations between the white and the colored races. Although it concerns most vitally the twenty millions of Caucasians and the eight millions of Negroes in eleven States of the South, still it is a national problem, because whatever affects one part ..

Goya, an account of his life and works

Goya, an account of his life and works

by Albert Frederick Calvert

It has been said that in England everybody knows of Cervantes, but very few persons have more than a nodding acquaintance with Don Quixote, and Goya’s reputation in this country is even less securely founded. The great Aragonese is indeed little more than a name to the general public, and his work is literally unknown. Two little books—Mr. W. Rothe..

Our Feathered Friends

Our Feathered Friends

by Elizabeth Grinnell

This volume really needs little by way of introduction. No one can mistake the evident love for our feathered friends, the kindly assistance that has been given them, and the success of the authors in imparting to others much of that pleasure which they have undoubtedly derived from their studies.The same recreation lies within the power of all who..