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Music and Life

Music and Life

by Thomas Whitney Surette

During the last twenty or thirty years there has been an enormous increase in the United States of what may be called “institutional” music. We have built opera houses, we have formed many new orchestras, and we have established the teaching of music in nearly all our public and private schools and colleges, so that a casual person observing all th..

Prairie Farmer, Vol. 56 -  No. 5, February 2, 1884

Prairie Farmer, Vol. 56 - No. 5, February 2, 1884

by Various Authors

Almost every city comprises within its limits some portion of territory which is not adapted for business purposes, and is not attractive to that class of inhabitants who can afford to choose the location of their residences. Such localities are at first left vacant, but as population increases they are occupied first by squatters, then by those wh..

The Manufacture of Tomato Products

The Manufacture of Tomato Products

by W. G. Hier

The past ten years have seen revolutionary changes made in the tomato product manufacturing business. Old methods of making tomato pulp, catsup, chili sauce, etc. have been discarded, and the modern plant presents a very striking contrast to the plant of former days.In this book I have tried to present all the methods used which have merit, and to ..

Legends of the Black Watch

Legends of the Black Watch

by James Grant

Woven up with an occasional legend or superstition gleaned among the mountains from whence its soldiers came, the warlike details and many of the names which occur in the following pages, belong to the military history of the country and of the brave Regiment whose title is given to our Book.It is generally acknowledged that but for the retention o..

Owen's Moral Physiology

Owen's Moral Physiology

by Ralph Dale Owen

The reader, after having been taxed with the perusal of two prefaces before reaching the subject matter, may consider it a hardship to be further called upon to read a somewhat lengthy introduction, when the title of a book should be its best preface; but the Editor would ask your indulgence while he briefly states the object and design of the foll..

Recipes -  Hershey's Baking Chocolate

Recipes - Hershey's Baking Chocolate

by Hershey Chocolate Corporation

HERSHEY’S BAKING CHOCOLATE is a blend of the world’s finest cocoa beans processed with all the science and skill known to the chocolate maker. It contains no added ingredient of any kind and none of its natural cocoa butter has been removed. Its full chocolate flavor, richness and velvety smooth texture are unequalled. The convenient ½ pound Pantry..

Scatalogic Rites of All Nations

Scatalogic Rites of All Nations

by John Gregory Bourke

Scatalogic Rites of All Nations by John Gregory Bourke. The subject of Scatalogic or Stercoraceous Rites and Practices, however repellent it may be under some of its aspects, is none the less deserving of the profoundest consideration,—if for no other reason than that from the former universal dissemination of such aberrations of the intellect..

The Road

The Road

by Hilaire Belloc

The Road is one of the great fundamental institutions of mankind. We forget this because we take it for granted. It seems to be so necessary and natural a part of all human life that we forget that it ever had an origin or development, or that it is as much the creation of man as the city and the laws. Not only is the Road one of the great human in..