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PDF Books in Children's Adventure Stories

Kill Me if You Can!

Kill Me if You Can!

by Randall Garrett

Bartol stood on the balcony of the Grand Palace and waved, smilingly, at the throngs of people below. He couldn't help it; he struggled silently against the implanted hypnotic commands, but it did no good. He waved and smiled. And the crowd cheered automatically for their Autarch.And then the energy bolt slammed against the metaglass window that se..

Six Frightened Men

Six Frightened Men

by Robert Silverberg

The thing was at least sixty feet tall and all eyes and mouth. The mouth yawned, showing yellow daggers a foot long. As for the eyes—well, they burned with the cold luminosity of an intelligent and inimical being. I didn't know what the thing was. One minute I'd been examining an interesting rock formation, a second later I was hiding behind it, wa..

Bring Back My Brain!

Bring Back My Brain!

by Dwight V. Swain

The face came with the laughter, floating through the swirling radiance as a shadow drifts through fog. Hollow-cheeked, hollow-eyed, hairless as a sand-scoured, tide-washed skull, it hovered before Dane like a living death's-head, closer than ever before.Where previously had he known this Being-Without-A-Name, Dane wondered? What malicious trick of..

Children of the Chronotron

Children of the Chronotron

by Bryce Walton

When their sun began to wane, the Xlarnans at first retreated underground to hoard the heat and life-supporting energies which their nuclear generators could supply. But as their world grew colder, century after century, they devised a means of creating a substitute for the ionosphere—a protective layer of radioactive gases in the upper reaches of ..

Armageddon, 1970

Armageddon, 1970

by Robert W. Krepps

They tried to kill Alan Rackham about an hour after he had seen the accident. They bungled the job. They shot at him from ambush—with an ordinary automatic pistol—as he was walking up to his house; and Brave, who had a sixth sense for danger which never failed him, knocked Alan over at the very instant of the shot and sprawled across him, a great s..

A Lad of Mettle

A Lad of Mettle

by Nat Gould

Lessons were over for the day, and the boys at Redbank School came running with shouts and whoops of joy into the playing-fields. They were like young colts freed from restraint for a few hours, and eager to make the most of their liberty.Redbank was the home of brilliant cricketers and all-round athletes. Many a noted cricketer had received his fi..

The Weapon From Eternity

The Weapon From Eternity

by Dwight V. Swain

A name to conjure with, Ktar Wassreck. Master of robots, master of raiders. The brain of a genius in a pain-shriveled body. A mind that had fathomed the key to the star-stones; courage to strike even through Oyo's flame-death, staking his soul for Jarl Corvett at Horla.And here were his robots—towering metal monsters, set shoulder to shoulder. He d..



by W. C. Tuttle

Alicia was bored to distraction. This was not her idea of a good time. She had been communing with nature too long for one of her disposition. She wanted some one to make eyes at, except a perspiring brakeman, who swore openly at everything connected with the railroad business.And with everybody in this pleasant mood, the train jerked to a stop at ..