PDF Books in Agriculture & Food Social Science
Farm Engines and How to Run Them
by James H. StephensonFarm Engines and How to Run Them is an illustrated handbook by James H. Stephenson. It is a hands on guide to the farm engines basics, their understanding, installation and maintaining them with safety and economically. Though this book was targeted for the students, it will be simultaneously useful for amateurs like small farmers. A special att..
Draft of a Plan for Beginning Animal Sanctuaries in Labrador
by William WoodThe original address on Animal Sanctuaries in Labrador was published in the spring of 1911. The Supplement was published in the summer of 1912. The present Plan, or Second Supplement, is now being submitted for consideration to the Fourth Annual Meeting of the Commission of Conservation at the beginning of 1913.These papers are published for free d..
Migration of Birds (1950)
by Frederick Charles LincolnWhen the birds that have nested in our dooryards and those that have frequented the neighboring woods, hills, and marshes leave us in the fall, the question naturally comes to mind: Where do they go? This, however, is only one small part of the question as we also wonder: Will the same ones return next spring to their former haunts? What dangers wi..
Floral Illustrations of the Seasons
by Margaret RoscoeThe present state of botanical knowledge renders it impossible for the Author of this Work to indulge in a hope, that she can add anything to the learning and research which distinguish the science: as a humble follower of those who have added so much to our information on these subjects, she would walk in their delightful paths, and gather some of..
Prairie Farmer, Vol. 56 - No. 5, February 2, 1884
by Various AuthorsAlmost every city comprises within its limits some portion of territory which is not adapted for business purposes, and is not attractive to that class of inhabitants who can afford to choose the location of their residences. Such localities are at first left vacant, but as population increases they are occupied first by squatters, then by those wh..
Identifying Hardwoods Growing on Pine Sites
by Clair A. BrownOaks are also monoecious, and staminate flowers are in drooping catkins, which consist of a central, flexible axis with sessile, apetalous and pubescent flowers. They are most abundant on the developing new twigs. Although catkins vary among oaks, they are usually not used as distinguishing characteristics because they last only 2 to 3 weeks. Pisti..
The Story of Milk
by Johan Ditlev FrederiksenThe conception of this “Story of Milk” dates many years back. In his life-long study of problems connected with dairy farming and milk industries in two of the world’s greatest dairy countries, Denmark and the United States, the author has felt the need of a concise handbook covering this interesting subject. In his forty years of work in the manuf..
The Almond in California
by R. H. TaylorThe almond (Prunus communis) is supposed to be native to the countries around the Mediterranean and at present the bulk of the world’s supply is produced in that region. It resembles the peach somewhat in manner of growth and character of blossoms and leaves, but the wood is much harder and the tree is longer-lived under equally favorable condition..