Written by Ambrose Bierce
The Cynics Word Book
by Ambrose BierceThe Cynic's Word Book is written by Ambrose Gwinnett Bierce, an American multifaceted personality who has many credits to his professions as a journalist, editorialist, satirist, fabulist and a short story writer. The Cynic’s work book was originally published as an occasional newspaper, later published in the book form with a title The Devil's ..
The Devil's Dictionary
by Ambrose BierceThe Devil's Dictionary is a satirical lexicon, a work of the American journalist Ambrose Bierce, whose literary face include as a short story writer, fabulist, satirist, and literary critic. Among his numerous short stories notable are The Boarded Window, An Inhabitant of Carcosa, The Haunted Valley, A Diagnosis of Death, and An Affair of Outposts...
An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge
by Ambrose BierceAn Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge also titled as A dead Man’s dream is an anthologized short story set during American Civil War written by Ambrose Bierce, an American writer remembered as searing critic. His unique style of writing was based on the theme of war that describes impossible events. Peyton Farquhar, a Confederate sympathizer l..
The Collected Works of Ambrose Bierce, Volume XII
by Ambrose BierceRats is two kinds, the common and the mush. The common is the scourge of the world, but the mush he lives in the water and is highly respected. The fur of the mush is a article of commerce and keeps your hands warm when winter stalks abroad like a devouring kangaroon. If I was a mush I would keep my fur for my own self and say: “You fool humans can..
The Collected Works of Ambrose Bierce, Volume 09
by Ambrose BierceA German physician of some note once gave it out as his solemn conviction that civilized man is gradually but surely losing the sense of smell through disuse. It is a fact that we have noses less keen than the savages; which is well for us, for we have a dozen “well-defined and several” bad odors to their one. It is possible, indeed, that it is to ..
The Collected Works of Ambrose Bierce, Volume 10
by Ambrose BierceTHOSE who read no books but new ones have this much to say for themselves in mitigation of censure: they do not read all the new ones. They can not; with the utmost diligence and devotion—never weary in ill doing—they can not hope to get through one in a hundred. This, I should suppose, must make them unhappy. They probably feel as a small boy of l..
The Collected Works of Ambrose Bierce, Volume 11
by Ambrose BierceThe greater part of the contents of this volume is published in admirable form by A. M. Robertson, of San Francisco, with the title The Shadow on the Dial and Other Essays. When the prospectus of Mr. Bierce’s Collected Works was issued by our house in 1908 no allowance was made for this matter, but through the generosity of Mr. Robertson, and of Mr..