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  • American Boy's Life of Theodore Roosevelt

American Boy's Life of Theodore Roosevelt

by Edward Stratemeyer

American Boy's Life of Theodore Roosevelt PDF edition and other Edward Stratemeyer books available for free download from our library.


American Boy's Life of Theodore Roosevelt is a biographical work of the 26th American president’s childhood life written by the American writer Edward Stratemeyer, remembered for his juveniles’ fiction series The Bobbsey Twins, The Rover Boys, The Hardy Boys, Tom Swift, and Nancy Drew series.

In this biography Stratemeyer narrates how a sick child, in spite of his health hazards went on to become the president of the United States by developing the tough to practice qualities. While the Asthma paralyzed his childhood, he never gave up until the biggest heartbreak which came by the death of his wife and mother. The sudden demise of the two most important women in his life, made him to temporarily give up politics and become a rancher. He again overcame a crisis in the form of natural disaster, a blizzard wiped off his cattle field, but he took this hurdle as an opportunity to re-enter politics. This biography would serve as a motivational read for an idle American boy who wanted to know himself and inclined to excel and climbing to the ladder of the society.

A complete hierarchy of events which took place in Roosevelt’s career is narrated which the he passed through such as the hurdles, opportunities, influential persons, incident which shaped his career, ups and downs.

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