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  • An English Grammar

An English Grammar

by William Malone Baskervill

An English Grammar PDF edition and other William Malone Baskervill books available for free download from our library.


An English Grammar is a text book of spell check for the use of high school, academy and college classes co-authored by William Malone Baskervill and James Witt Sewell. William Malone Baskervill was working at Vanderbilt University as professor of English Language at literature. James Witt Sewell was working at Hume-Fogg High School as professor of the English language.

The authors mention in their preface as “It has been our aim to make a grammar of as wide a scope as is consistent with the proper definition of the word. Therefore, in addition to recording and classifying the facts of language, we have endeavored to attain two other objects,—to cultivate mental skill and power, and to induce the student to prosecute further studies in this field.”

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