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  • An Introduction to the Birds of Pennsylvania

An Introduction to the Birds of Pennsylvania

by George Miksch Sutton

An Introduction to the Birds of Pennsylvania PDF edition and other George Miksch Sutton books available for free download from our library.


This book is not intended to be a complete reference work. The descriptions of the birds and statements of their status are as brief as I felt I could make them under the circumstances. Many species of birds which have been recorded in Pennsylvania are not even mentioned. These are omitted so as to simplify the list for the beginner, who is confronted with a sufficiently formidable array of new and strange names as it is. All important species are, however, included.

Colored illustrations throughout this hand manual would, of course, have been desirable, but their cost is great, and the pen drawings are adequate for field-work; perhaps, in fact, even better than fully colored drawings which often lead the beginner to expect too much from the glimpses he may have of birds in the field.

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