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  • Ancient Man -  The Beginning of Civilizations

Ancient Man - The Beginning of Civilizations

by Hendrik Willem van Loon

Ancient Man - The Beginning of Civilizations PDF edition and other Hendrik Willem van Loon books available for free download from our library.


Ancient Man: The Beginning of Civilizations is a book written for young readers by the Dutch historian Hendrik Willem van Loon, whose numerous historical writings include The Fall of the Dutch Republic, The Rise of the Dutch Kingdom, Man the Miracle Maker, and A World Divided is a World Lost.

This book explores the chronological events which shaped the world from the prehistoric period to what we are today. It is surprised to know that we can travel the world around in a day period, while Columbus took four years to reach America. The civilization did not happen overnight, from Stone Age to contemporary world. After a brief introduction of evolution of biological man, this book details the important events which contributed and created the phenomenal impacts of moving human race towards civilization.

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