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  • Animal Heroes

Animal Heroes

by Ernest Thompson Seton

Animal Heroes PDF edition and other Ernest Thompson Seton books available for free download from our library.


Animal Heroes is a book which narrates the real life heroic achievements of animals. This book is written by the British writer Ernest Thompson Seton, who has been credited as founders of movements like Boy Scouts of America and Woodcraft Indians.

Being a wildlife artist Ernest Thompson has written more than 30 books on scouting and nature, notable among them include The Birch Bark Roll, The Boy Scout Handbook, The Trail of The Sandhill Stag, How to Play Indian, How Boys Can Form A Band of Indians, The Birchbark Roll of the Woodcraft Indians, and Biography of A Silver Fox .

As the author mentions in the preface of the book, heroes need not to be human only as heroism is an individual’s unique achievements and can be applied to animals also. He has narrated the brave achievements of such animals from the real incidents. About eight such incidents are narrated which applauds the heroism in the chapters titled The slum cat, Arnaux,  Badlands Billy, The boy and the lynx, Little warhorse, Snap and The Winnipeg wolf.

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