Written by Anonymous
Overweight and Underweight
by AnonymousDesirable weight is a very individual thing. It may be described as the weight at which a person both looks and feels his best. Height, bone structure, and muscular development must all be taken into account.Because no two people are alike, weight tables cannot show with complete accuracy exactly what every individual should weigh. The tables shown..
Guide to Rocks and Minerals of Illinois
by AnonymousIllinois has so long been known as the Prairie State that at first glance it seems a most unlikely place in which to collect rock and mineral specimens. But Illinois has a surprising wealth of rock and mineral resources, not only to be collected as interesting specimens but to be put to practical and profitable use.The rich prairies that gave the s..
Inside Illinois - Mineral Resources
by AnonymousAlthough Illinois has been nicknamed the “Prairie State,” many parts of it are hilly and scenic. The idea of large areas of the state being nothing more than broad, flat prairies has come about because the major highways have been built to take advantage of the comparatively low, gently rolling landscape rather than the rougher more scenic areas.Ph..
Over 250 Ways to Cook and Serve Fish and Other Productions of the Sea
by AnonymousCook books there are of all sorts and shapes, but strange to say the subject of Fish Cookery has been sadly neglected in all of them, and to supply this deficiency, the following collection of receipts has been carefully gathered and properly arranged for the convenience of the housewife, no time or expense having been spared to make the volume a t..
Mammoth Hot Springs Area
by AnonymousThe Mammoth Terraces and Hot Springs were officially discovered by a U.S. Geological Survey party led by Dr. Ferdinand Hayden in 1871. However, some local knowledge of the Hot Spring Terraces and their activity had existed previous to that time.The Mammoth Hot Springs have interested people since the establishment of Yellowstone National Park, not ..
The corsair - a romantic legend of Hell Gate
by AnonymousAs we have invited the reader to a long Poem, we feel some misgiving in setting before him a lengthy Preface. We will therefore bring to his attention, as an Appendix, the matter intended as an Introduction, thus leaving him free to begin with the Story of the Corsair at once, while the former may afterward be read with advantage, should he feel in..
All-Time Favorite Cranberry Recipes
by AnonymousCultivation of cranberries began in Massachusetts nearly 200 years after the landing of the Pilgrims. In 1816 Henry Hall of Dennis, Cape Cod, noticed that cranberries seemed to grow larger and juicier where sand from the dunes blew over the vines. Cultivation today came from this simple observation made more than 150 years ago.Cranberries grow on p..
Polio - Infantile Paralysis
by AnonymousWhen polio strikes some child in a community, it is only natural for all parents in that community to become concerned about their own children. It is well to keep in mind, however, that even during an epidemic the number of persons who get the disease is very small in comparison with the total population. For example, approximately 45,000 cases we..