Written by Anonymous
Some Historic Trees
by AnonymousFrom earliest times, trees have served and interested man. Primitive man found trees to be a source of food, fuel, clothing, and building material. In the dim, distant past certain trees were considered sacred as the habitat of woodland deities. Today, some giants of the forest are known for their great age and as landmarks; they are often associat..
Deeds Barn and the Self Starter
by AnonymousDeeds Barn is symbolic of one of the most important developments in the automotive field. It was here that the modern ignition system for automobiles and the self-starter were born and the foundation laid for one of Dayton’s most important industries. The barn itself and one of the 1912 Cadillac cars, first to be commercially equipped with a self-s..
The French and British at Three Rivers
by AnonymousAfter the discovery of America, four European states, England, France, Holland, and Spain, laid claim to various portions of the North American continent. The French claims were largely based upon the discovery of the St. Lawrence by Cartier in 1521, and subsequent exploration of the interior of the Continent by Champlain, La Salle, and other Frenc..
The Mesa Verde Story
by AnonymousThis diorama pictures a hunt such as may have taken place 10 or 12 thousand years ago in what is now northeastern New Mexico. In 1926, 1927 and 1928, the bones of 30 bison of an extinct species were dug out of the bed of an arroyo near the little town of Folsom, New Mexico. Associated with the bison bones were 19 spear points of an unusual type. Th..
The Steam Fire Engine and the Old-time Fire Bell
by AnonymousThe steam fire engine on display in Carillon Park represents the third, and perhaps most colorful, phase of man’s long battle against fire. During the time of the bucket brigade, fire-fighting was carried on without the help of machinery. A great step forward occurred with development of hand-operated pumping machines in the early 18th Century. Lat..
The Fireless Locomotive
by AnonymousMost things yield to progress—and that, of course, is how museums are made. The Corliss engine now on display at Carillon Park labored mightily during the formative years of American industry, yet more economical electric power systems eventually sent that steam giant into retirement at the Park. The Conestoga wagon and the Concord coach, the Grass..
The Old Mill and the Covered Bridge
by AnonymousThe old grist mill and the covered bridge are links with America’s past which, even today, have not passed entirely from the scene. Each was a part of the fabric of our young and growing nation and each made its own contribution to our progress.By today’s standards, the old grist mill, driven by water-power and with everything except its grinding s..
Gene Stratton Porter
by AnonymousAlthough Gene Stratton Porter resided in this city only a few weeks in 1913, her life was closely associated with the Fort Wayne area. Born in rural Wabash County and educated in Wabash, the noted Hoosier author established residence successively in Geneva, Decatur, and Rome City. She was intimately connected with Coldwater, Michigan, and Wincheste..